
Index - My fiancé is in love with my little sister

My fiancé is in love with my little sister

It is fully translated and we are waiting for the author's updates.

Summary (taken from NovelUpdates)

Aah, again? My fiance was gazing intently at my charming younger sister. When I saw the blaze that lit up in those cold eyes, I was assaulted by déjà-vu. My fiance had been in love with my younger sister even in the last life. There was nothing I could do but watch. And, by some karma, I was someone who kept returning to that exact moment. 

The story belongs solely to the author はなぶさ. This is merely a fan translation.

The raw can be found here : My fiance is in love with my little sister/ raw

This series also got a manga. The first chapter was published on 05/05/20 and got translated in English by Tapioca scans. You can find it there: manga version


Going back in time
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

The Beginning
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

The Second Life
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

The Third Life and Thereafter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

The dream that the Soleil of this life sees is
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

If this is the real end
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

The Eternity of Kaliarya Ignis
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

The End of the End
Chapter 55

Marianne's Truth
--- waiting for the author to update... the last one was on 01/2025


  1. Thank you so much for picking it up! I will be reading it from the start.

  2. Thanks for picking this great story.
    Hey, do you mind if I translate your translation the into my native language? (actually, I've started already)
    But of course,if it unacceptable to you, I'll take them down.

    1. I don't mind at all! Let's allow even more people to read and cry for Ilya!

  3. Heyyy, love your translations!!(U R Awesum) Btw our dear Author just updated 3 chapters this month! I'm like trying to read it but my Jap suckz DX hope to see more of your work too!:D

  4. Happy birthday trans 🍻🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂🎂

  5. feliz perezoso cumpleaños!!! �������������� gracias por la traducción, yo también estoy triste esperando nuevos capítulos y como toda una masoquista releo desde 0 para aumentar las penas

    1. Gracias!
      Reading it again from the start? You really want to suffer! Take care

  6. Aquí también, esperando a que el autor la continúe.

    En serio, quiero saber cómo va a terminar esta dolorosa historia.

  7. I'll read this to cry hard cause god damn. I need to reread this again

  8. Thank you for translating this novel! I really, really love it. Could you please allow me to use your translation to translate this novel into another language? I want to translate it into Vietnamese - my mother language and share this great novel with more and more people! I promise I will credit that the English source is your.

    1. Sure, no problem! Let's share it with even more people!
      I wish you the best and plenty of courage for your translation!

  9. Damn boi, thiz sh*t is crushing soul af

    1. Yes! Isn't it pleasant, to bath in the tears shed by all the fellow readers?

  10. after reading this till 'if this is the real end' now i become someone who is enjoyed a suffering and when the suffer revealed to her mother and father i couldnt say a word. like Damn boi, that's character development i like. I wonder if her father would realized that his wife was suffering from a master's order.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. the amount of frustration this story has made me feel is out of this world. T.T Nonetheless, it's a tragically beautiful story, and the way the story is put in words (Not sure if it's the translator's talent or the author's) is painful, in the sense it really conveys the characters emotions to the reader. It's like how people would eat spicy food, it does get quite painful but it's worth the pain, would reccomend it strongly to lovers of angst.

    1. Woah thank you so much for the review I'll definitely read this 😂😘🙏🙏

  13. The Eternity of Kaliarya Ignis is a good arc, if the author decided to end the novel there, i am happy for author's choice, and it was a good ride.

  14. Infinite loop of miserable and death, did illya just being muda muda to death by golden experience requiem or somethings?? The only goal of the f***ing world is torture her until death and then back to square one by reincarnate her so that she can taste the new flavor of torture every time she come back to life

  15. Hi, HermitNocta. Saw a post wishing u Happy Birthday last year on 19th July. So this might be a bit late but i wanna wish you Happy Belated Birthday 🎂. Wishing you all the best & happiness in life.

    Thanks for translating this story.

    1. Woooo that's so nice of you! I didn't expect anyone to notice, which makes your wish even more special and pleasant to receive! Thank you very much!!!

    2. HaPPy BeLateD BiRTHday, HermitNocta 🎂🎉🎉🎉. Wishing you good health and happiness. May all your dreams and wishes come true. Sorry I was late again with the wish this year.

    3. Wow wow wow! You're a very nice and caring person, Misztim! Thank you for your birthday wishes, they truly delight me. I feel warmed and happy!
      Allow me to also wish you good health. I'm sending you a happiness wave across the Internet!

    4. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday Dear HermitNocta.. Happy Birthday to you. 🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉 Wishing you good health and wonderful year of happiness and joy. Sorry I was late again this year. 🙏🙏🙏

    5. Please, don't apologize, I'm so happy to receive your message. I feel very blessed for having a reader who remembers my birthday every year.
      This year as well, I hope you'll be blessed with luck, success and a good health!!!

    6. 🎉🎂🎉 Happy Belated Birthday 🎉🎂🎉 Wishing you a wonderful year of good health, happiness and success.

    7. Thank you for your wishes, it's always a surprise when I see your messages.
      I hope you'll be doing great, surrounded by good and supportive people, so that you can enjoy a happy year!

  16. Thank you for makes me be able to read a really good story.. ill be waiting for the next chapter..:):)

  17. After reading chap 15-16-17 about Soleil's dream, I wonder what Ilya's life could it be. Cause clearly, she even left before the tea party started, she didn't go mad from jealousy, and had control over her emotions when she met Soleil. So it must be her second life or even after. The point is that Silvia's death, Soleil's anger is just like in the first life of Ilya. Also the way she passed away in the prison.
    I really don't understand. Has anyone noticed this? Can you guys please explain to me?

  18. This is so heart-wrenching, I can't do this. Hopefully, the author will update soon. Thank you so much for translating this ������

  19. This is a....horrible story to read. In the way that it is truly made for masochists. I didn't like it. Honestly, i hated it. My hatred was what was making me invested. but i respect the author because i was able to feel very powerful emotions while reading, and so, it's a 'good' story in the way we sure can't say it's bland. I cried out loud at the end. I liked the Crow character honestly and i loved his dynamic with the MC. it was truly the most interesting part. I just hate the MC. Not even the other characters. The MC is a true martyr character, and she's the sadness fuel of the story. Everything is made to break her, and she just stays on the ground and even buries herself. While reading, i was thinking of a million ways to cancel the engagement without having to elope or go through the marriage.I mean, even herself was like 'with a scar, the engagement might break' WELL THEN. THAT WAS SIMPLE. And even the fiance, from his perspective, we understand, if her reputation is bad, and she does bad in her studies, the engagement will be nullified. But when she's way to passive of a character. Never does she STOP caring about appearance. Even when he was about to fall from stairs, when she's saved, her first thought is if people saw her with ThE OPpOSSitE SeX. And i know that her whole journey is supposed to be to stop trying to gain the favor and affection of people around her by being the perfect noble girl, but still, that was pretty advanced in the story, and not much change. I truly couldn't understand her. At first i thought her undying love was interesting, maybe somewhat a curse just like her fiance's perspective showed us his 'curse'. Like puppets in a love story (a bit like Beware of the villainess) but the author didn't do much with it...The character of her sister is also never truly explored...we learn more about the parents characters and their backstory than her sister's...and there's still many unanswered questions...I would have honestly prefered to know more about the perspective of the sister, even if we didn't know at all about the perspective of the parents and why she wasn't loved in particular. In the end, a lot of melodrama and tragedy tropes. i don't know what to say else. i'm just empty at this point. For me, Crow was the only good and interesting part. I think, when i cried at the end, i didn't cry for the mc, i just cried for Crow tbh.

    All that being said, unbelievable job with the translations. I always love translations with personal comments of the translator, it feels always more like a community and fandom, and it was falf the fun of reading the comments of the blog and translation

  20. I kinda ship with Soleil as this life's Soleil seems to be interested in Ilya like the part about his dream(I think in his dream arc, his dream actually started at some point of the chapter and the one denying with himself in the dream is the Soleil of current one, not the one from first life or the one in the dream. He might be kinda seeing himself from another dimension just like Ilya though in Ilya's case she is trespassing dimensions and in his case he is just having a dream) and his reaction towards Ilya in the carriage when they were going to rescue Sivila. Most people ship with crow but the reason Ilya said she will go with him might be because crow was someone like her who is lonely. Since in the carriage (or in the 'if this is the real end' arc it is clear that Ilya still love Soleil). Other lives' Soleil is a jerk but the current Soleil,the current dimension's Soleil seems not bad. This is my second time reading this novel thoroughly I appreciate the translation. Hopefully the author will update soon since it has been almost a year since last update. Again thanks for your hard work

    1. True! Soleil seems to have changed in the current arc, still I don't ship him with Ilya. Who in her right mind would want to spend the rest of her life with someone who has hurt her so much?
      I know that he is from a different dimension and all of that, however Ilya has all of her memories of him cheating, imprisoning her, killing her etc
      It would be really hard to live with all of those memories and the possibility of him falling for her sister in any minute..

  21. I've read the Chinese translation and here I am for the English translation!! Thank you for the translation work!!

  22. Reading all this, tears were welled but not fallen. The fact that the author hasn't touched this in a year worries me but if the manga does okay hopefully it'll motivate her to finish it off

    1. A new chapter came out! Nocta is currently translating it :D

  23. Where can I find the original light novel?

    1. Look at the top of this page, the link is here, just after the sentence "The raw can be found here"

  24. can u make a novel pdf of this story once you're done with the translations?

    1. I could, but the author doesn't write much these days, I don't know how many years it'll take until she finally finish this story.

    2. Well, it seems as if the story is still ongoing in 2022. I didn't read I wholly yet so I'm not sure if you can already see that the end is going to be the end and the 'ongoing' label is only there because it hadnt been removed yet or if it is there because the author has still another end in mind and we'll read it in, like what, 5 years?

  25. This is the only novel i felt like i could read it forever ,the pain always feels just like first time.

    1. People who start reading and finish this story are masochists.
      People who come back and "read it forever" are true Masochists. Take a cookie 🍪 and let this pain fly away~

  26. I have waited for new chapter for like 10 months bc i want to read it without interruption. Now when i know that maybe the author will never update this novel again, i will reread it from the start. Thank you so much for translating this novel ^^ Best wishes for you.

    1. It's not that the author will never update ever again, but that they only write once a year now. Maybe we'll have a chapter around January or February 2022. Hopefully

  27. Author is such a meanie for only writing once a year, of course I hope theyre happy and healthy but TT

  28. Hi HermitNocta, i have finished reading this novel the second time and i still love it. Besides, I want to practice translating too. So would you mind if i use your translation to translate this novel into my native language? Of course the credit is yours.
    I'm looking forward to your answer. Happy New Year ^^

    1. Hello Reixxx! Feel free to use my translation as you like! Practicing was my purpose too, so if I can help out others, it would be my pleasure!

    2. Thank you so much 😘 I will be crying while translating for sure 😂😂

  29. Even though the novel was sad in the beginning, the ending is wholesome. Thank you very much.

  30. Hi where can i find the original site of this novel? i rlly want to check it

    1. Hi! The link is at the top of this page but I'll put it here again:

  31. Of course! Feel free to use it as you'd like! Good luck with the translation!


    1. Yes, no need for a monthly greeting, we'll have a chapter to celebrate in a few days

    2. Im still loyal to giving out a monthly greeting regardless~ ☆

  33. HAPPY JUNE!!!! Hope your day is good!!! It's summer timeee! ~☆*.。

    1. Yeaaah summer!!!! Or not, it was cold and raining this morning xD Let's wish for a good month of June, neither too cold or hot, neither too dry or rainy!

    2. Better cold and raining than the hot and humid combo (๑ゝω·)ノ♡

  34. Happy July! I hope you're having a fun summer or whatever season it is there!

    1. I'm a little late this month, but please, accept my wishes for a happy July! It's summer too here, and it started rather well. I really hope you'll have a fine month too!

  35. I have a doubt. Is Iliya really alive. You know before an year I was sure she was. After meeting the steward Iam really confused.

  36. HAPPY AUGUST!!! Last month felt almost neverending. How's your summer coming along?

    As usual, hope you're doing well, translator-nim ☆

    1. I wish you a not-too-hot-August! (Even if I feel it's pointless to make such a wish). I'm lucky enough to live close to the sea, so summer is a great season for me. I hope the place you are staying is fine!

    2. It's been rather warm here, but its bearable!! I wish time would pass faster so it could be autumn already ~ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡

  37. Happy September!!!

    Hii!!! Translator-nim!! ~☆ How was your August? Mine was busyyy with the new school year starting soon 😞😞

    I hope the weather is nice and you are in good health! ~☆

    1. Hi Daiyaaaa! Happy September too! I hope you'll have a fun school year!
      (That's if you enjoy school, otherwise, I hope school time will fly away quickly for you!)

    2. Hahah~☆ School isn't my favourite thing to do but I hope it'll be a good school year nonetheless!

      I hope this years Autumn will be good too~☆·。*.

  38. Hi!!!!!! Happy October!! I hope you have been in good health~ ⭐️ It’s spooky season once more, will you do anything for halloween? I hope the weather this month will be nice ~

    1. Hello! Happy October! It's finally raining, yeeaaah! The poor trees look half dead, the earth really needs this water.
      I'm not doing anything special for Halloween. I live in the country side and we don't celebrate it. What about you?

    2. Hi! Since the school year has started, I probably won't be up to too much! I've moved to a different country but to a pretty populous place~ Perhaps I'll dress up and go out with friends but Halloween *is* on a Monday, so its a little iffy 🥀

      Have a good night!!

  39. October ended up being a more tiring month than I expected~ but Happy November!! Only two months away from a new year! ☆*。

    How was your October? Do anything fun? Boring? Anything at all? LOL☆

    I wish you the best, hermit-nim

    1. November, the month of darkness and humidity is here... or at least, I hope because October has been overly hot. We need rainy days... I want to sing "I'm singing in the rain~" to make the people around me deaf.
      Apart from that, October was also quite busy, but interesting. I've got a mischievous puppy at home, it's great to watch him grow day by day.
      Did you, or will you have some holiday to rest a little?

    2. Ooh!! Puppies are very cool!

      I had a week to rest kind of-- classes were off for a week but I still had to do exams online-- so I had like somewhat of a break!

      Perhaps we should trade weather haha ☆ It quite literally rains here everyday, I don't think I've properly seen the sun for a couple weeks.

  40. The year has absolutely flown past hasn't it, translator-nim? Happy December!!!! ☆°。* The year felt so long and yet soon it shall come to an end once again. How was your November? Mine was fairly boring 😴. My winter break is going to start soon and with that I'll have to go home for a few weeks and be unable to see my lovely adorable girlfriend 😭

    But nonetheless!! I wish you a good December and a Happy Christmas!

    1. The last few months flew especially quickly, I can't believe it's already the end of 2022. November was all about work, work and work for me, but it's fun so it's not a problem.
      Even if you can't see your cute girlfriend for a while, I bet you'll enjoy this break from school (who wouldn't?)
      Till the new year, enjoy the 2022 final celebrations!

    2. If you enjoy the things you do, then that's great!

      I hope you have a fun end to the year and have a nice winter as well!!! Stay healthy and happy, translator-nim ☆

  41. Your favourite reader is here to wish you a happy new year!!!! I hope you had a good December and 2022!!

    Thank you for working hard to translate this novel and I am thankful for your replies!

    I hope 2023 will be a good year for you!

    1. Happy New Year Daiyaaaa!! (Yes, you're my favorite reader ^^)
      I had a great December; I hope you'll have a very nice January to start the year well!
      I wish you the best for the year to come!

  42. new chapter 59 released!!!! Happy lunar new year!!! (I love this novel so much I check this everyday lol)

    1. Happy Lunar New Year!
      Thanks for letting me know, I'll work on it. I think I'll finish by the 5th February at the latest.

    2. Thank you so much

  43. Happy february!!!! ☆°.*。

    January was a tough month, but I hope it didn't treat you as harshly as it did me.

    How are things with you, translator-nim~ :3

    1. Hi! I'm quite fine, I'm working on chapter 59, expect it in a day or two!
      January flew by quickly for once (usually this month feel way too long) and I managed to visit several family members I like, so I had a great time.
      I hope February will be a nicer month for you! Good luck

  44. I guess there’s been revisions? Are you gonna translate those?

  45. hi, I really like your translate, can I translate it in my native language? It's Vietnamese and I'll translate it for myself and give you all credit :>
    Hope you will notice this comment soon.
    Thank you

    1. Hello Hello! Feel free to translate it in your native language! I want more people to enjoy this story!

  46. Hi!!! I'm a little late this month but happy march!!!! I hope you're having a great day >_< ☆

    1. Happy March! Spring will soon come, and rain with it, I hope.
      Have a wonderful month this time too!

  47. Wahhh!!!! Happy april!!! April first.... the best day to play tricks on others. What tricks shall we come to witness!!? I wonder...

    I'm on spring break now... pitifully away from my gremlin girlfriend and procrastinating on final assignments. How are you, your majesty and my favourite translator ever? ☆*.

    1. Dear Daiyaaaa, thanks for your April fool joke. My reply is on your comment, chapter 29 :)
      The trick with final assignments is to finish them the day before the deadline, and never work on them the night before the deadline, because that's when your brain comes up with the longest and most useless sentences that cause you to be hated by the teachers who are forced to grade them. Like this huge-long sentence for example. Except you won't dare grade me or I'll kill you.

  48. Hi, I just wanted to ask if this is the LN or potentially something else. I have only read the manga yet and was interested in this novel. I read the first few chapters and really appreciate your translations. I was wondering if it's worth catching up now since I heard the novel was on Hiatus and I usually don't like having to pause in the middle.
    Nonetheless, thanks a lot for your translations, I'm sure you made many people's day!

    1. Hello! This is translated from the web novel, which, unfortunately, is not completed yet. The author only writes once or twice a year currently.
      The story seems near its end, but it could possibly take several months or even years before it'll reach a proper and definitive ending.

    2. Welcome in the masochists' club, here is your starter pack : a cookie (for moral support while you read), a bunch of voodoo dolls (for the characters you'll want to kill) and a box of tissues. Have a nice read!

  49. Don't worry, I won't spoil this wonderful story. As you read, you'll see if you were right or wrong about Crow. I can just guarantee that you'll cry.

  50. Then, take a break before the next arc. There are also some depressing stuffs here (only true maso read this in one go)

  51. Hii!!! Happy May once again!!!

    Soon summer shall descend upon us, and I will melt!!!

    Guess what!? I'm getting married this year in October, mwahahaa!!

    Hope your april was nice and that you have a nice may!!

    1. Wooow congratulations for your wedding! It'll arrive soon.
      You must survive this hot summer while preparing everything for the big celebrations this fall.
      Enjoy your free time while you still have some!

  52. It’s been awhile so I felt like checking in and whaddya know? There’s a new raw. I hope things start getting better for our mc.

    1. Hi! I've seen the new chapter, I'm working on it bit by bit. It should be done by the end of this week

  53. Don’t know if you’ll see this, but there was a new chapter put out in July. Do you plan on continuing to translate?

  54. Nevermind, I needed to refresh the page :,)

  55. Woah, no way! A new chapter just dropped today? Author must be feeling motivated

    1. Nope, the author didn't write a new chapter. They wrote TWO new chapters! I'm working on them

  56. Thanks for translate! Can’t wait for the next chapter.

  57. Thank you so much for translating this amazing novel for us. I know it must be a lot of hard work and you’ve been sticking through it for years now! It’s admirable and I appreciate it.

  58. Hi, Translator-nim! It's been a bit of time since I last gave a greeting, but I am indeed alive! Mwahahaha!! I know it is pretty late but happy new year!!! How was your 2023? Mine was pretty alright despite the many ups and downs.

    I just want to say that I still keep track of updates and all the chapters you post! Thank you for continuing to translate this lovely depressing novel and I hope you are in good health!
    Daiya ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡

    1. Hi Daiyaaaa! I'm glad to hear you're okay. I was wondering if your wedding went well, or if you ran away the day before lol
      We never know what life has in store for us, we can only react to what is thrown at us.
      I wish that you'll do great in 2024.

      I'm doing fine, I have a satisfying job and it's peaceful. I couldn't ask for more.
      I'll translate this novel until the very end, so don't hesitate to drop by from time to time!
      Until next time, stay in good health!

  59. Happy March!!! Did you enjoy your leap day yesterday? All I did was go to class :sob: but I hope your year so far has been pleasant!!!!

    As always, I hope you are in good health and that things are going well!

    Daiya ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎♡

    1. Hi Daiya! I wish you'll have a pleasant month once again.
      I'm doing great here. I hope your class aren't too boring, but studying is important, so persevere! Gambatte! You can do it!

  60. I don‘t want for this story to end. Can the author write some more chapters?

  61. Only thing I hope for is updates from the author, I just can’t accept this ending. What happened to Soleil and Sylvia??? Will they have a happy life as if nothing happened? It breaks my heart. It is cruel... I will be hoping for a true ending, please author-nim...Please show us the all endings in all dimensions.

    i understand that all characters had their own circumstances I understand, but can’t accept. still shouldn’t there be a price to pay for hurting someone like this? Even if you have your own problems...
    (*sobs uncontrollably *)

  62. thank you very much for translating this novel!!!

  63. Thank you very much for translating this novel.

    Can't wait for the next chapter to satisfy my masochist heart.

  64. Another day another no chapter 😭😭

    1. I would say that "Another year, another no chapter" is more fitting, but also more depressing... well, it goes well with this story xD

  65. Hi! First of all, thank you for your translations so far! Honestly, while I know this definitely isn't for everyone, I think it's the best of whatever niche it fills (and yes, even depressing stories have their own categories and this one definitely has its own). Admittedly, I did lose a little interest towards the later half with Crow, and I know it's kind of weird of me to say it, but I enjoyed it more when Crow's relationship with Illya was more ambiguous - is it camaraderie, a sense of family, friendship, or actual romantic love? Personally, I don't really consider their relationship to be romantic love and more like two people who have suffered a lot finding comfort in each other and the ambiguous nature of their relationship felt fitting. Anyway, I'm getting off track. All of this is just to say that even after all these years, I still check this place periodically hoping for an update because there's nothing quite like this story, and all of that is to say that there's an update! I have no idea if you're still translating or anything like that, but if you are, I thought I might as well let you know. Again, thanks for your work so far!

    1. Thank you for letting me know! It just happens that I finished working on it today ^^
      And thank you for your kind words, I'm happy to share this story with the other strange people like me who enjoy it.
