Sunday, March 25, 2018

Chapter 16

The dream that the Soleil of this life sees is – 2


“Wow, your wedding was really something. You know, your fiancée… no, she is already your wife now. I thought she was a strong-willed woman, but if she doesn’t speak, she doesn’t look that bad.”


There was only me standing beside my friend. I listened to him speak without mincing his words and I smiled wryly.

From the beginning, Ilya was a person of few words. But it’s probably useless to explain this to my friend, who has already seen her frightening side.

A part of him thinks Ilya is a person who regularly abuses others verbally.


“But once everything is thought and said, the best one is still Silvia! She was like an angel!”


He clenched both his hands in excitement, and his loud voice attracted the glances of the people around us, exactly like that other time.

The expedition of the chivalric order I belong to had ended and we finally had returned to our headquarters. I hadn't gone back home for several weeks already and my superior was laughing at me, saying I had it hard as a newly-wed.

I was told that if I wrote a letter, my wife would be pleased, but since the wedding ceremony, the two of us didn’t have a single conversation that sounded like one.

Although I went to town to buy some writing paper that a woman would like, at the moment I put down the tip of my pen on that brand-new paper, my fingers became rigid.

At the very least, I thought it would be alright to write down words inquiring about her health, but the ones I came up with only expressed concern about the state of the territory. It ended up being a businesslike letter asking her to take care of the well-being of the citizens.

I couldn’t help but be shocked by the content, which was like a written report. Originally, I didn’t have the intention of writing something like this. I wanted to say something more personal, for example, in the area of the expedition, I saw the white flowers Ilya liked growing and that sight was really beautiful.

Or that when I went downtown, I found a hair ornament which would shine in her hair. That it was hard to submit the group of bandits but we somehow managed to fulfill the mission. That the expedition was harder than what I had imagined but my friends supported me.

Everything I wanted to say was really trivial, but I intended to make a list of all the things she probably wanted to know. And yet, the pen arbitrarily chose different words and put the sentences together.

When I finally finished writing, folded the paper then put it in the envelope, the weight on my shoulders increased. Only a sigh leaked from my mouth.

I felt that I spent most of my free time during this expedition writing letters. I did think it was bothersome. But I wanted to become “a good husband.”

As a man, I had the aristocratic duty of forming a political marriage, but I understood that I couldn’t carry out that responsibility by myself.


I want to go home. I want to go home soon. When I’ll see her face, surely, the words will come to my mind naturally.

The physical distance was surely proportional to the distance of our hearts.

It must be that, surely.


… … However, somewhere inside my heart, there was also a part of me who thought it would be better to not meet her. When she’ll see me, she will surely lower her eyes.

She has been doing that since long ago. That’s why I could easily imagine that scene. I knew that it’s not like she hated me, so I’ve asked her what was wrong.

But she had simply shaken her head a little and showed me a smile. “It is nothing”, she said.

Yet in her gentle expression, another intention was hidden.


However, the depths of that intention, its strength, I didn’t know them.


As I quietly looked out of the window, the cold moon was looking down on me. I’ll probably return to the mansion tomorrow morning.

For some reason, when I closed my eyes, I suddenly saw silver hair. I wonder how Silvia is doing? Such a thought crossed through my mind. More than the face of my wife, more than the existence of my wife, what floated in my mind were those of that little sister.

Although I was considerably disturbed by that fact, I realized during the expedition that I was only thinking about her.

Then, another letter was written separately aside from the one for my wife. When a voice echoed inside my mind, telling me such a thing was wrong, I ignored it and continued writing.

Sometimes I enclosed a pressed flower inside the letter, and I dreamed of the happy expression of that little girl. I shivered at the thought that I pulled out something like that without the slightest hesitation, even though I never did this for Ilya.

Yet, I couldn’t control myself.


Because that child was my little sister. I justified my conduct by even preparing the excuse that it’s obvious I should be concerned about that person.


Unlike Ilya, who can manage everything by herself, Silvia will look at me with a dependent gaze. I felt a sense of relief when I saw the silhouette of the troubled girl, who couldn’t even stand up by herself.

What is present here, is the ideal I pictured during my childhood. I wanted to become a person you could rely on. I wanted to be a strong person who could protect and cherish someone.

However, it wasn’t allowed for the person standing beside me to be someone weak who needed the protection of others. Governing a territory wasn’t something easy. At the moment a weakness appears, you will be scooped off your feet.

That was why I couldn’t become the partner of that person who would become my weakness. My partner must be someone who think for themselves, who can express their will, stand on their own feet, who can stand up at the front in case of an emergency and take command.

That’s why I chose Ilya. I chose her because it’s a political marriage, but it wasn’t the only reason. I have been engaged to her since we were children, however, if her achievements to become the wife of a marquis weren’t enough, the relationship could have been canceled at any time.

She didn’t know about it. Nevertheless, she wasn’t negligent in her efforts. I found her attitude of sincerely appealing that she liked me preferable, and while love seemed unlikely to bud, I thought trust could probably be given.

It was practical and realist. I trusted her, and I should be trusted.


By living that way and accumulating days, we will become a genuine couple.

I have vowed to do so. Even if love didn’t bloom, at least, I thought we could become comrades in arms who leaned on each other’s backs.

And yet...






When the pulled-out table cloth struck the floor, broken pieces of porcelain flew off in all directions.

Ilya, who was staring at them dumbfounded, unconsciously stumbled to reach out to them. No hand came to support her and she abruptly flopped onto the floor.

My face made an expression of scorn as I saw her appearance that could be called unsightly.   


Silvia... died.


Faced with this fact, I couldn’t suppress the violent emotion that boiled up from the depths of my body. Sadness only dominated me for a moment. After taking one deep breath, I was immediately controlled by hatred. Inside my body a burning hatred and fury swirled forth.

If I were to speak now, I could only spat out curses.

Breathing out heavily like a beast, I finally managed to say something.


“… You?”


You, did you kill Silvia?


The voice that said that seemed quite distant. As if the scene that was played in front of me was acted by somebody else.

Nevertheless, Ilya who clearly showed a relieved expression when she heard Silvia was dead, made me comprehend the heart of the matter.

Without thinking, my hand which had seized a knife stiffened and I took a big step with the intention of stabbing it in her neck.

If the steward hadn’t thrown half of his body forward to protect her, the point of the knife would have certainly pierced her pale skin.

Having your mind go blank was surely the situation that happened to me at that moment.

“Master!” The voice of the steward was almost threatening and deprived me of my fighting spirit. The knife dropped from my fingertips. At the same time, my whole body was drained of its strength, as if it couldn’t bear that sense of emptiness.

That I barely managed to not sit down was probably because as a nobleman, as a man, I retained a last trace of pride.

I didn’t know if I was relieved I didn’t end up killing my wife, or if I was regretting I couldn’t accomplish it.

I trusted her. I intended to take care of her. I had faith in her as my wife.


When I thought that, I no longer wanted to see her face. That woman’s complaining voice mixed with sobs seemed to follow me and it felt extremely unpleasant.

Feeling nauseous as I caught sight of that woman’s fingers reaching out in my direction, I left the room while scolding my staggering feet.

I have to go see Silvia. If that girl has truly died, at least I wanted to say a few parting words.


It’s fine to condemn Ilya later.


I didn’t intend to forgive that woman who murdered her little sister.


… … Wrong, wrong, wrong!!


Why, why did you reach that conclusion? You, what the hell are you saying?

Ilya would never do such a thing. She is not the kind of person who can do that.

Certainly, it was hard to say she had her little sister in her heart. They were far from getting along well as sisters. But she didn’t hate her to the point of wanting to kill her.

Ilya... loves her little sister. That’s right, I’m sure of it.


“Collect the proofs of the crime committed by Ilya. Don’t miss a single one, gather everything.”


When I gave the order to the steward who had chased after me, he replied immediately and disappeared. He’ll probably start to work on it at once. He is an excellent butler.

I could see that it wouldn’t take long before the work could be finished. In the meantime, I have to proceed with the preparations to divorce Ilya.

Murdering a member of one’s family is a serious crime. Although most nobles couldn’t get away from it, it was a different story for someone from a marquis house.

To not let Ilya be protected by our court rank, I have to remove her from the family register and I also have to isolate her from her parent’s earl house.  


Wait, please wait. What the hell are you trying to do?

The girl who called me her reason for living was killed. That sin must be paid for.

Stop it, stop, stop it please…!!

I will show you a dreadful reality worse than death.

… … Why, why?




“… You… Why, are you so unjust, why are you going that far…? Even if it was for a short period, she was still your wife.”


After having taken a leave from my affiliate knight order, I shut myself in the mansion.

When I was compiling documents in order to apply for divorce, my friend appeared with a grimacing expression like he was visiting someone ill.

The man I had not seen for a long time didn’t have his usual cheerfulness. He was the man who insulted Ilya, my used-to-be “wife.”

I smiled and said I was disillusioned by her unsightliness and how she abused others. Even you, weren’t you infuriated when you heard she had murdered Silvia? That things have come to this, it’s Ilya paying for her own wrong doings. It’s not me who did this.


“Soleil, I… I can’t bear to see you like this. Both you, and her.”


Why won’t you forgive her? My friend hung his head and muttered a few complaining words.

Forgive? What are you saying? Are there any reasons to forgive?


She had killed Silvia.


“Did you go see her even once? She is still believing... that you... will come pick her up.”


The voice of my friend collapsed unnaturally. I thought he might be crying, but I didn’t understand the meaning of his tears.

When I bent my head in wonder, he looked like he saw something unbelievable and covered his face with his right hand.


“Do you plan to become a murderer…?”


I thought about the meaning of his inquisitive words said in a muffled voice, but I really couldn’t understand.

The one who was a murderer was Ilya. Why do I have to be blamed? I’m doing the right thing.


The right thing.


Chapter 15                                               Chapter 17


  1. Back when I read this chapter with google translator I wasn't sure if it was google's fault or the authors intention to play with our perspective and opinion. First showing us all of Solei's terrible sides and now this! Am I supposed to hate him or not? Well, I still hate him! I'm not sure how much of his action are done with his own volition or personality and how much of it by that "other voice/force". The only thing I can really say is that as time goes on his own thoughts and that "others" are starting to aline with each other although not completely.
    Was Iria already submitting to her destiny in her first live? I thought she was still very positiv in her first live or am I just remembering it wrong?

    1. Based on the title, I think Soleil's seeing the past life(lives?) As a dream and he is the voice asking why the "Soleil" is doing all of those things that hurt Ilya. He has no control over what he sees but has to see it anyway, kind of like in sleep paralysis

    2. Yeah, everything makes a lot more sense if we think it that way.

    3. Yeah, that explains the title

    4. She's still positive, but first life Ilya still considerably hold herself back after she made a scene at the tea party. She noticed that she's getting farther from Soleil after pointing expressing her displeasure of how he treat her sister. That's why she never does that again except for that one time

  2. What the fuck is happening ....I can't , I just can't !!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't understand a thing so confusing. What the hell is happening here!!!

  5. I still think he should fuck himself

  6. hmmmm I wonder if this is not the first life, since he seems to be possessed even before...

  7. Someone evil is pulling the strings or someone really selfish. Interesting. I was just about to drop this until this development. This author is good.

  8. All this is telling me as that someone is a witch (not looking at Sylvia or anything since she's the one that benefits the most) or something and Ilya and Soleil are both cursed in different ways with much ill will towards Ilya.

  9. I want her to be with crow, but his first words to her "harbringer of bad omen" (something like that) is devious, I just hope he's not the cause of all her misfortune. I was reminded again after reading this. Please.

  10. Are we gonna go through all of Ilya's death again? Do we go through her losing her child? Eloping? Killing herself? Through his view which was clouded by that force? Him who let the force sway him and hurt and kill Ilya??

  11. Its obvious that soleil like silvia... ilya was right... at the tea party she knew it the way he gazes to her sister.

  12. man reading this makes me feelso nauseous

  13. I think SOLEIL have double personally? He obsessed with syilva, make a reason like 'were became family soon' withaut think a bit od Ilya. But.... His other side, is suffer. BUT STILL, I STILL HATE SOLEIL.

  14. Soleil is a liar to himself and because of that, he pushed all the blame to Ilya. He's not in his right state. His actions are completely opposite to what he is thinking. Which means: he should better just let go of Ilya.

    Ah, stupid liar. You're dragging and making yourselves look like a useless trashes and peices of idiotic scums.

    Ah, why am i still reading this. Whatever Soleil did, he's a fucker.

  15. In short, if the power of that second opposite will is over 9 thousand, then he has a golden heart, seeing that he can still fight it. There is still hope for he's character. But we'll see (and most likely get disappointed and wish for a new male lead to take the spotlight

  16. the flower part tocuhed me, he remembered all of that God When

    1. ik he might not like LIKE her but like i want someone like that 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀

    2. what js Happened Hello Hwat Hwta WHAT solei Or swthver ur name was Im so confused Who is making u think differently?? Making u do wht u didnt want 2 do?? Or is it actually u urself

  17. What the hell, I hate this. We better not have to reread all Illya's tragedies from his POV, this is just exhausting and pointless. No author, u dont put me through 14chapters of misery and make me hate a character just to pull this stunt. This will only end 2 ways: author stops this dumb idea, or the author continues and I end up disappointed and hating this story for wasting my time and playing with my emotions.

  18. I want my cutie Crow plsss reading from this fuc**s POV is a torture

  19. When that guy said this "Did you go see her even once? She is still believing, that you, will come pick her up.” i immediately broke in tears.

  20. I think Soleil is watching his past self while Ilya was repeating her life again and again that's why he can't control himself.

  21. So what does the author want us to believe? That Soleil is being controlled by this "force"? If so, that force is most likely "fate".

  22. I honestly don’t know what to think. Soleil has wronged Ilya in every single loop, and his actions taken at face value are unforgivable. However, It’s unclear if the perspective of this chapter is Soleil being made to watch his past actions, or if he is being literally controlled and turned into a passenger in his own body while he hurts Ilya.

    I’m inclined to believe the second option, as I don’t think his mind would start to become “tainted” by the force (beginning to genuinely believe himself to be in the right) if he was simply a passive observer. Also, I went back and reread the first chapter (with the tea party) and noticed that Soleil’s actions are actually rather ambiguous, and that it’s Ilya’s foreknowledge that twists them to be signs of affection for her sister. She describes how his hands twitch, and assumes it to be out of his desire to touch Silvia. She notices how Soleil’s eyes have a strange color when he looks at her and believes it must be softness that he’s never looked at her with. Rather than that, couldn’t this be signs of Soleil’s consciousness fighting? He seemed to be most aware of the discrepancies in his actions at the beginning.

    I haven’t read ahead so I don’t know, but if it’s true that Soleil has been possessed all this time, and may even be aware of the loops, then I wonder who’s suffering more, him or Ilya? Ilya’s been hurt and betrayed by those that she thought she could trust and had her heart broken in the cruelest of ways. Meanwhile, Soleil has had to watch as he destroys the happiness and confidence of someone that he had genuine affection for, with no way to fight it, and drive her to death in multiple loops. Neither of them deserve this.

  23. I do think there's some sort of thing (I call it "bad Soleil" LOL) that controls the actual Soleil who actually cares about his wife. I literally hate the "bad Soleil" for all the bad things he has done to Ilya but I think y'all should consider the possibility that "real" Soleil is just some sort of being used as a body. BUT this is my own theory so this might be completely inaccurate.

  24. Soleil =shit head
