If this is the real end – 23
In my first life, I greeted my end in
an underground jail.
Remembering the exact moment I died
was difficult. I writhed in grief, anguish and despair. I thought it was
understandable that my memory was vague.
And so, even if Soleil’s friend came
all the way to this place, I couldn’t recall the details clearly. … … I
shouldn’t have been able to.
In a sudden flash, the mist in my
mind cleared up. I remembered one thing.
He, at that time, said he had
brought Silvia’s ribbon.
As I lay collapsed on the ground,
every breath bringing along pain, he told me, “You better give up and die.”
His words were excessively
indifferent, but when he whispered “I’m
sorry” with eyes blurred out by tears, this might have been his way to
offer me his compassion. It’s fine to die
now, he might have been trying to tell me that.
Then, extending his arm through the
iron grid, he gave me Silvia’s ribbon.
“… You might say that you don’t need this, but dying alone is lonely,
isn’t it? In the place you must go now, your little sister is waiting. So, set
your mind at ease.”
However, I probably won’t be able to go there, he said, forcibly putting in my hand
the ribbon stained in blood. Even though I was told it was from my little
sister, I didn’t recognize it and didn’t feel anything from holding it.
Besides, why did he have something
said to belong to my dead little sister? The thought it might have been
entrusted to him by Soleil or my parents crossed my mind, but that idea didn’t
settle in my mind.
However, if he had been present when
my little sister was attacked by the bandits, then everything would be
Like the current situation.
“Why... are you… here?”
The red-haired man Soleil questioned…
… Edward, titled his head. Then, with a troubled expression he answered, a
smile devoid of strength on his lips, “Don’t you already know?”
You betrayed me? My fiancé whispered in a barely audible voice. His back clearly shook,
showing how upset he was. In the first place in such a situation, I didn’t
think there were anyone who could maintain their presence of mind.
“Soleil. I think you know that too
but, for the sake of the one thing they cherish, humans can do everything and
While his hair fluttered in the wind
like a swaying flame, he declared so. It had a profound meaning. But Edward
sank in silence and looked towards Saion.
Taking over, Saion shrugged his
shoulders and said with exaggeration, it’s
not a bad thing to cast away everything to protect what’s precious to you. Then
he winked his dark purple eyes.
It was strange because his soft
narrowed eyes felt like they resembled Silvia’s. But I didn’t know whether or
not there was a blood relationship between them.
“… What are you talking about? What
will you do with me? Say, Lord Saion …”
Still restrained by the large-built
man, Silvia asked in a small voice.
My little sister was wrapped in the
still soft light of the setting sun. If this place was a stage, then she was
the leading actress bathed in the spotlight. Tears spilled over from her eyes
similar to amethysts, glittering as they fell on her chest.
“Well, various things happened. I
said it earlier, didn’t I?”
“… Lord... Saion… why? Why are you
doing that?”
Maybe he was moved by her crying
voice that induced pity, but Saion answered back in an irritated tone, “Ah,
“Well, it’s okay, I guess. I’ll
explain since you don’t have a lot of time left. I said it earlier but, Her
Majesty the Queen who passed away wasn’t blessed with a child. Currently, the
problem of her succession has broken out. … … In other words, it’s not that
there isn’t any successor. Obviously. The royal family could not not have taken
any measure in case something happened to Her Majesty, right?”
And so, several successor candidates
are currently facing off, aiming for the throne. That’s what Saion talked about.
“Among these candidates, there isn’t
any who is a direct descendant of Her Majesty. Every last one of them had been living
in a place far from the crown. Yet…how should I say it? They have been chosen.
Then, there is my brother-in-law. He was lucky… or should I say unlucky? But he
became one of the successor candidates.”
With a dry laugh he dropped his
“I wonder, isn’t there anyone who
can know what his future is going to be like hereafter?”
He sighed and it felt like his voice
had weakened a little. No one could answer his question. Because no one knew.
Now, time was overwhelmingly too
short to organize my thoughts regarding this story I heard for the first time.
It wasn’t a light topic that could be answered after a few seconds of
consideration. Saion probably knew it too, as he said, “It’s a problem you guys
cannot picture either.”
“Currently, the royal family is
stormy. But a new problem has arisen here. A group advocating the abolition of
our monarchy has appeared. And their ulterior motive is to crush in one go our
royal family shaken by the problem of succession.”
Saion, who had rattled on and on
until now, suddenly drew his sword.
“In the case someone other than my
brother-in-law becomes the king, the people in the way will all be made to
disappear. Then again, in the case the abolitionists win the struggle, all the people
related to the royal family will be purged. In other words, you see, for my
brother-in-law, apart from becoming the next king, there is no other path
I wonder if you guys can understand the feelings of people born in such
a country?
Saion said as he readied his sword.
Matching his action, the other two men and Edward took a fighting stance. The
large-built man shoved Silvia away.
My little sister, who became free,
tried to move towards us as she staggered, but Saion stopped her with his
words, “If you move, I’ll kill you.”
Silvia’s shoulders shook and she
stopped where she was. Her figure was hidden by Edward when he stood before
We were completely outnumbered.
Soleil was at a great disadvantage.
… … If the maid who stayed back at
the estate transmitted my message to Al, then it was possible he would come
here. However, even now, his figure was nowhere to be seen.
In this situation, no matter how
much time I stalled, I could already see how this would end.
“Moreover, the problem doesn’t stop
here. That’s right, I’m talking about Silvia.”
My little sister was far. Her
trembling eyes were fixed on me. Her eyes were telling me, save me.
“If her existence were to become
known… in terms of lineage, she would become the major contender for the
succession. That would be a problem. After all this time, if she appeared now,
that would be very problematic!”
Whoosh! The
sound of grass being curbed by the wind resounded and became the signal.
The first one to move was as
expected, Saion. His drawn sword glittered, in an instant, my vision was dyed
“Even so, I won’t allow it!”
Rising his sword, Soleil exclaimed
this. Violent sounds of metal colliding against each other echoed in my ears.
It was possible that Saion was
involved in the intelligence corps of his country, so he may be used to fighting
with a real sword. But Soleil was a student. You couldn’t say he had many
experiences with actual fighting. Even an amateur like me could tell who had
the advantage.
Besides, even now Soleil had yet to
fully understand the present situation. He seemed to be sticking to a defensive
The two people who had a friendly
chat in the cafeteria were now facing each other.
Had Saion anticipated such a future?
No, maybe, he had never thought he would be confronting Soleil like this.
If I hadn’t brought him to this
place, then Saion and Soleil would never have crossed swords like this.
“Soleil, you’re really half-hearted.
… … I even tried so hard to show you the right way.”
“I kept encouraging you about your
cute Silvia. That more than Miss Ilya, Silvia was a better fit for you. I said
it so many times, again and again. Because I knew things could have settled
peacefully this way.”
“What are you talking about…?”
“If Silvia had become part of your
marquis house. Then this situation could have moved in a better direction. If
her name had entered the register of your house and become one of yours, then
it would have been the same thing as if she had pledged allegiance to this
“Because the name of your house is
well-known in other countries, Silvia would have become an inhabitant of this
country in name and reality. By doing so, she could have completely separated
herself from our country. Yes, in that case, there may have been room for
negotiations. We could have left Silvia at large and overlooked her.”
Soleil had already lost all his
words and simply listened to Saion while warding off his sword.
“The situation we want to avoid the
most is for little Silvia to continue existing as the “innocent daughter” of
the earl. No, to be more accurate, if she had stayed in the estate as a
secluded young lady, living without her existence being known to others, it
would have worked out too. And yet of all things, she had to start attending
the academy.”
What a shame, said
Saion as he shook his head and heaved a sigh.
“Even though the people of our
country are trying to use Silvia, aiming for the right opportunity to strike….
For her to nonchalantly continue to attend the academy, it really makes me
laugh. But you see, even we wanted to avoid a needless killing.”
So, I took great pains to give you a choice. Saion swung his sword in a large
Soleil moaned. His sleeve was torn
and blood was flowing. Without thinking, I gasped.
“Miss Ilya… …”
Abruptly, my name was called. Saion
shook the blood of his sword, looking at me.
“But Soleil said that. … … That if it
wasn’t you, if it wasn’t Ilya, it wouldn’t do.”
Hearing his words, my eyes opened wide.
I couldn’t even answer anything back.
It was completely inconceivable that
Soleil had said such a thing.
“There was no room for maneuver for
me, no place to interfere. So, you didn’t need to be so anxious.”
Soleil stepped forth as if to
protect me and once again turned towards Saion.
At that moment, a voice resounded,
“You bastard, are you betraying us?” When I reflexively turned in that
direction, Edward was directing his sword at the big man who should have been standing
by his side.
They were scowling at each other
with a fierce glare, absolutely not looking like companions.
“It’s unfortunate, but I never
intended to be on your side from the start, so calling me a traitor isn’t
Edward, who had barely interjected
in the conversation until now, cheerfully grinned.
“… You don’t care about what’ll
happen to your family?”
Saion asked him in a calm voice. He
was still facing Soleil but I understood his question was for Edward.
What was the thing Edward talked
about when he mentioned “the one thing he had to protect?” Even without being
told, all the people present here knew.
Surely, Soleil must have understood
too. “Ed,” He started calling out to him but eventually, drew his lips
In this situation, the meaning was
that Edward changed to our side. He was exuding an air of determination.
“… Of course I’m hesitating.
Naturally, I cannot say I don’t care what will happen to my family. But, they
love me. These people would never forgive me if I became a traitor for their
So, I won’t betray my friend! Soleil’s best friend firmly asserted so.
Hearing this, Saion sneered.
“Well, well, well… what a wonderful
friendship. But, Ed, that means… you have the resolution to die, right?”
You’re so foolish, so childish, he continued.
He was a man who had crossed over
countries for the sake of his brother-in-law, a man who had even made use of
his friendship with Soleil.
For Saion, Edward’s way of thinking
was probably impossible to understand.
“…… Alright, now. Playtime’s over.”
A slender man, who was looking at
Saion’s and Soleil’s confrontation, clapped his hands.
He was probably going to assist
Saion. He stood diagonally to Saion’s back, facing Soleil. On the other hand,
Edward and the large-built man once again readied their swords.
During the conversation, they had
kept each other in check, not averting their confronting gazes from each other.
Even so, Edward slightly changed his
posture, his attitude showing he was trying to protect the nearby Silvia.
“It’s a pity we couldn’t come to an
I wondered who said this. Hearing
these words which sounded like a sentence to death, my hands unknowingly shook.
Although my life or death was being
haggled in front of my eyes, I couldn’t do anything.
“Sorry but I’ve no intention of dying!”
Edward’s voice was bright. Was he
pretending to be confident or did he truly think so from the bottom of his
He rushed towards the big man. As if
in sync with his fluttering red hair, blood danced in the wind. The difference
in strength was clear. It was impossible for him, who wasn’t even an ordinary
knight, to fight evenly with someone who was clearly a professional.
But he still tightly grasped his
sword. Even if blood flew, he didn’t show any sign of pulling back by even one
“… If the country we had been born
in had been different, we might have become good friends. But, this is also
When Saion swung his sword, Soleil
also countered him.
I was an amateur who didn’t know
much about fighting, but since their builds were similar, it seemed that their
strengths rivaled each other. But currently, Soleil had to face two opponents.
Saion had probably brought along
with him the elites of the secret corps. From the perspective of their age,
they couldn’t possibly be students and it felt they were used to real fighting.
“And you cannot go against fate.”
Saion made a hard-to-read
expression, as if he was laughing but also grieving.
For the sake of his brother-in-law,
he pretended to be an overseas student and went to a foreign country as a spy.
In terms of age he was the same as us, yet he had resolved to dirty his hands
to defend what he had to protect.
“Everything was going great! If I
could have used your complicated relationship, I could have suppressed this
situation well!”
When Saion talked to me in the back
yard, he spoke about his country. That marriages out of love were becoming
In his country right now, a huge change must
be taking place. The main populace was probably at its core. That’s why, his
and his brother-in-law’s standings were in a terribly dangerous position.
According to his words, that time
when Silvia’s mother sought asylum, that country seemed to also have been
thrown in the mist of chaos. It was a country that had repeatedly been in
conflict again and again like this.
That might have been why he told us
with gloomy eyes that he envied our peace. It was hard for me to say I
understood his feelings, but I remembered this devoted thought of wanting to do
one’s utmost for the sake of one precious thing.
“Lord Soleil!!”
The sun was setting, dyeing the
surroundings red, drowning out the scattered blood.
The one who screamed was Silvia. The
slender man had pierced Soleil’s shoulder with his sword.
I almost let out a shriek when he groaned,
but I desperately held it down. I didn’t want to be in his way. I just heard
that Silvia kept screaming.
I thought we’d lose. At this rate,
Soleil will die.
Boom, boom, my
heart was making a hideous noise. Sweat was drenching my clenched fists. The
same moment I felt scared, dizziness assaulted me as an oncoming premonition
slowly rose in my chest.
Peeping through the window of my
room, a nameless black bird was looking towards me. That bird said he was named
Crow, the bird portentous of ill-omen.
“Wait, please, wait.”
I haven’t made my resolve yet. I
still didn’t know what I should do to lead this situation towards a good
My gaze roamed to the right, then
the left. I took several deep breaths, trying to arrange my disordered
Unable to put my mental state in
order, I just hurried towards my sister. I knew something was about to happen.
Meanwhile, Silvia’s voice once again
rang out, “… Lord Soleil!!”
… … However, it wasn’t like Soleil
was being driven into a corner.
Before long, he cut down the slender
man, then quickly dodged. His sword raised in front of his face blocked Saion’s
“…Ah” A voice full of admiration
unintentionally leaked out. It sounded distant.
In front of my eyes, the moves they
exchanged as they stirred up their swords seemed to slow down. Everything
around me seemed to proceed to slow down. I could now perfectly see the sword
moves my eyes couldn’t keep up with before.
Soon, Soleil’s sword pierced Saion’s
abdomen. The way he screamed and spat out blood was rather disgusting.
I couldn’t help but feel scared.
But, that’s why I was convinced it was Soleil’s victory.
The fact that I wasn’t feeling relieved
yet was because I could guess what would happen after that.
The thought we had won only lasted a
moment. Far from losing their fighting spirit, Saion’s eyes shone with a will
even stronger than before. The dull light in his pair of eyes sharpened and he
looked toward Silvia.
I wondered if anyone noticed it. Not
even Soleil, who was tightly grasping the sword piercing him, could have
guessed Saion’s intention.
It was the will to protect to the
end the thing he cherished, no matter what he had to sacrifice for it. The firm
conviction to not let anyone get in his way and hinder him. The determination
to present his own life in order to carry out his ideal.
I also used to be like that in the
olden days. That’s why I understood Saion had used his body to seal Soleil’s
sword and moved to fulfill his objective.
He let go of his sword, then threw
away the short dagger concealed in his sleeve towards Silvia.
I thought I wouldn’t make it, but
the feeling similar to a threatening sense of duty moved my feet. My body moved
faster than my thoughts.
After receiving a strong shock
around the lower part of my chest, I understood exactly what had happened. I
didn’t feel pain. Because I had previously been assailed by a more intense
suffering than this.
My noise and mouth closed at the
same time and I became unable to breath. I thought somewhere inside my mind
that this sound similar to a hiccup I suddenly made, was because I failed to
In my back, my little sister gasped.
This sound resounded in my ears.
“…. Ahah, ahahahahah !! How funny.
How... very... funny.”
The figure of Saion collapsing while
laughing disappeared from my view.
No, it’s not that. I couldn’t keep
him in my field of vision. I also couldn’t stand.
Because in my chest, the haft of a
dagger was sticking out.
“There is no point, no matter how
much you protect your little sister! Her life will always be targeted from now
I thought while listening to the
distant screams of Saion. His words had a point. Until its homeland regains its
peace, Silvia will surely keep being targeted.
… … In that case, all the more
reasons to leave that child in Soleil’s care. The overwhelming political power
of the marquis house will become Silvia’s shield.
“Big sister! Big, sister…”
For a few seconds, or maybe a few
minutes, I felt my consciousness flying.
Silvia’s voice brought me back to
reality. While I was unaware of it, our surroundings had regained their
Frustrated by my blurring field of
vision, I blinked several times. When I finally managed to clear it, I saw
black hair and a pair of blue eyes. Soleil was peering into my face.
That namely meant that we had
reached the conclusion. And the fact he was there probably meant that Edward’s
fight had also ended.
“Ilya.” While staring at the face of
my fiancé who quietly called my name, I called out the person who should also
have been close by.
“… Lord Edward, can you take Silvia away?”
Despite the fact I should have been
in so much pain I thought I couldn’t breathe, unexpectedly, I could speak
“There is something... I want to
talk about... with Lord Soleil.” Now that I thought about it, there was no
pain. Only a strange sensation as if my pulse was festering.
“Big sister…”
Edward pulled away my little sister,
who was trying to cling to me who lay collapsed on the ground.
As I thought, he had already
suppressed his opponent. He seemed to have been injured, but it seemed it
wasn’t endangering his life.
Even though blood was shed, my wish
had come true. The fact that his face was distorted was probably because he was
feeling remorse for having betrayed his friend, even if it was only a pretense.
“Lord... Soleil.”
Soleil, who had lifted my upper body
in his arms, nodded, “Yes.”
I thought it was a gentle voice. It
felt so, for some reason.
“I’ll take you to a doctor
immediately, so…”
He tried to lift me but it didn’t go
well and my body once again lay on the ground.
“Damn it!” He clicked his tongue,
something that was very unusual for his normal self.
His arm seemed to be considerably
injured. He could probably not put any strength in it. Despite this, he was
struggling hard in order to hold my body.
Soleil, Lord Soleil … Let me down. Saion’s acolytes... there might be more of them. You have to get... away
from there.”
“Alright, I understand. But I can’t
leave you behind.”
“… It’s impossible. For the you
right now... it is impossible... to take me along.”
I didn’t feel any pain. Neither cold
nor warmth. But even then, I was running out of breath.
“Take Silvia to a place far away
from there, please. With Lord E-Edward... the both of you... protect that
child. As for me… we’ll part here.”
“… Such a thing! I cannot possibly
do that!”
“No, you can. … You have to do
“Impossible! I can’t! I can’t… leave
you like this….!”
Soleil’s arms wrapped around my
back. Then he tried to carry me, but he couldn’t.
Why, doing all this after this
struggle to the death… with his body full of wounds. Not only Soleil but Edward
too could be said to be in the same situation. They should not have any spare
energy left.
Moreover, Saion’s comrades might
appear at any moment. They must leave this place as soon as possible. Everyone
understood that, and yet, they didn’t move because of me.
“Lord Soleil... look… please look at
“It’s already hopeless for me….
Isn’t it?”
As he was crouching down to hug me
in his arms, I touched his cheek. His pale skin had no warmth.
No, that’s not it. My fingers had
lost all sensation. That’s why I couldn’t feel the warmth of his body.
“You have to… make the right
assessment... of this situation. Because you will... eventually... become a
marquis. The things you need to cherish... and those you need to take care of...
you must make sure of them… Please, judge... what you ought to do.”
“I can’t, such a thing, there is no
way I could do that…”
Soleil, who kept repeating “I can’t,’”
was like a child.
I wondered if it was my imagination,
but the corner of his long and slit eyes appeared to be reddened, as if tears
were hanging at their rims.
However, my vision was blurred, and
I couldn’t see his face clearly. Was he regretting his dying fiancée?
“… Lord Soleil... it’s alright
already. I mean... you... do not love me... don’t you?”
“You said you cherished me. But...
you do not love me... and I too, I also… that’s right.”
“I do not... love... you.”
These words I thought I would never
say, smoothly overflew along with my breath.
Even though I thought I couldn’t tell
a lie. If it wasn’t for my sake but for his, then I could. These words were
said to help him make a decision.
“…It’s a lie.” Soleil who whispered that,
embraced my shoulders. Maybe he was trying to ascertain something but he stared
at my face at a distance close enough for our eyelashes to touch.
He was the same as me when my mother
And I was in the same situation as
my mother at that time.
I remember how my mother, who died
once in front of me, had opened her eyes wide at her very last moment. Those
light green eyes of hers had stared fixedly at me. As if she couldn’t close her
I was the same. I didn’t want to turn away
from Soleil’s face for the shortest second even. I was afraid that this face I
loved would disappear from my view, even if it was just for a moment.
Until my very last instant, I wanted
to engrave his face in my eyes. So that even if my life ran out, I wouldn’t
forget it. And so, I couldn’t even blink.
… … I wondered if my mother might
have felt like this too.
If that was the case... then, there
was an inconsistency in the words she left behind.
If she had truly not loved me, then
it would have been better to quickly close her eyes. She didn’t do that. She
eagerly gazed at me.
Maybe I couldn’t see the true
meaning behind these words because I was so upset. These words that were
whispered like a refusal at that time, their true meaning was…
Ah, now, I see. I finally,
understood. Mother had surely said that.
“Sorry, Ilya.”
“I... have... never been able to love you...”
That was, in other words, the
substitute for “I love you.”
She might have tried to give me, who
had to witness her death, some relief.
So, I’ll follow her example. I have
to achieve this.
“Lord Soleil. Please go…. Go… You
said you cherished me... then, keep your promise…”
“Hands... don’t let go. That child’s
hands... grasp it… protect her…”
My throat was making a whizzing
sound. I could no longer speak.
Soleil, who was staring into my
eyes, strongly closed his eyes.
Then he touched the back of my head
and my shoulder, and let out one lone sob.
Finally, he slowly let go of my
“… Sister! Big sister.”
Silvia, who was held by Edward and
probably couldn’t move, called me.
“I… I, know… I know everything…!”
Beyond my darkening sight, I heard
the voice of my little sister who was stretching her hand towards me. I knew
Edward was holding this little body of hers, trying to take her away.
When I tried to say it was fine like
this, I realized my voice wouldn’t come out.
“I always knew! That big sister, in
reality, you truly love me!”
My field of vision seemed to be
eaten away by darkness. When I looked up, the twilight sky was darkening, as if
a hole was spreading out bit by bit.
I wonder when the sun had set.
“After all, if it wasn’t the case…
if it wasn’t like this… how would you call this…! It’s because you love me,
right? That’s why you protected me…”
Her voice... was getting distant.
“I know you did that because you
loved me! I know you love me, big sister! And so, and so… I also loved you…”
My crying and shouting little
sister. My lovely, little sister.
If this is love, very well. Then
I’ll call this self-satisfaction love.
Being at your side, hugging you,
grasping your hand. I was taught that this alone wasn’t love.
… … The ribbon Edward had given me
in jail. At that time, I thought it wasn’t familiar but…
If it’s the me “now,” I knew what this
ribbon was.
When I drowned in the bathtub and laid
down in bed, that child brought me tea leaves.
The glass bottle containing it was
wrapped in a red ribbon. I thought my little sister must have put it to
decorate the bottle. …
… Silvia’s belonging brought to me
in the prison looked like that ribbon. The Silvia who had been murdered in my
first life had… on her way to the theater, or possibly on her way back, she
must have bought this ribbon.
Maybe she had even chosen it for me.
Although now, I would never know.
The act of merely displaying
something, wishing it would be understood by others, is not love.
Silvia… sorry. I wanted to say I’m
sorry but…
It’s already pitch-black. I can’t
see anything. The real end is drawing near.
I wanted to become someone loved by
her parents.
I wanted to become like my little
I wanted to become a lady befitting
of being Soleil’s fiancée.
If I got married, I wanted to do the
right things as Soleil’s wife, I wanted to carry out justice, I wanted to live
without bending my own beliefs.
But all these me I wanted to become,
I couldn’t achieve even one of them.
It’s not bad. If it’s that kind of
life, then surely, it’s not bad.
I thought so, and at the moment I
guessed was my last, I took a deep breath.
Because I was looking up, the voice
fell right onto me.
“Finally, I’ve found you.”
“My princess.”
The next arc is entitled, “The Eternity of カリアライア(Kariaraia) Ignis.” The protagonist of the next arc is not Ilya. It’s a man, who said at the very beginning of next chapter that he “lived in a world where magic power and sorcery existed.” I’ll let you guess who he is.
What to do with this カリアライア(Kariaraia) name? Knowing that the “r” and “l” can be interchanged in Japanese, I have to come up with a good name. For a male, I think. We have Ilya, Silvia, what about Kalyaria? Kaliarya? Any other ideas are welcomed. I’m terrible at naming.