
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Chapter 32

If this is the real end – 15


I received with resignation the shock that ran along my cheek.

My thoughts were in a haze, I couldn’t think of even one decent thing.

When I raised my face in blank amazement, father was standing there with a grim expression.

I understood I had been slapped, but even so, I wasn’t even feeling surprised.

Confronted with this reality, my emotions couldn’t catch up.




Still hugging the body of mother who had ceased to breath, I continued to call out without stopping, and the first one to rush into the room was the steward.

Then, after having lost his words for a second when confronted with the disaster inside the room, he called other people. His very loud voice made the air inside the dead silent room vibrate.

It was the first time I saw the old steward, who was always calm and collected, whose thoughts I could never guess, be shaken like this.

But I, on the contrary, in such a situation, I was watching everything unfold as if I was an unconcerned stranger. I was strongly pressing down to stop the blood that was still flowing out in the meantime. The palms of my hands were lying on mother’s slender neck, yet the blood didn’t stop.

From those hands, little by little, her life was spilling out and I couldn’t hold it back.  


There was no way to stop it.

Mother’s breathing had already stopped, she surely will never open her eyes again.

Then why, was there a need for her to lose even more blood?


God, god, god, why? Why?


When I reflexively looked down because an unpleasant feeling seized me, like something was crawling up to my knees, I noticed I was sitting in the middle of a pond of blood.

From the tips of my fingers, from the tips of my toes, from the hem of my skirt, from my sleeves, everything seemed to have slowly been soaked and dyed by mother’s red.

Soon, my body started to shake and clatter, and my arms lost their strength.

I had a feeling I said something, but I also felt like I was unable to utter the slightest word. It felt like I had been crying in a very loud voice, almost as if I would split open my throat.

But I think that maybe, in reality I might have been completely unable to make a sound.

Even though my arms and cloth dyed in red should be proof of the event that occurred earlier, everything was fuzzy. My blurred vision wouldn’t return to normal. It became the same sensation as if I was having a nightmare.


However, I remembered that someone had grasped my arms which were clinging to mother’s completely unmoving body.


She has already gone, said a gentle voice to persuade me. It is enough now, it is fine.

Unable to understand the meaning of these words, I shook my head and my shout echoed repeatedly, “She is not dead yet.”


… … No, that’s not it. The one who said that, might not have been me.


I was forcefully torn off mother, or possibly, I let myself be pulled away, and I tumbled on the carpet. I understood that the person who had seized me had not done that on purpose. I just could not stand up. It can be said that he did not have the luxury of being passive.  

When I stood up on my shaking legs, I saw the chamberlain standing beside mother’s lying body. It was just like the figure of a holly knight surrounding the sleeping holy mother.

This scene almost looked like he was guarding mother from me.


Then, I was driven out of the room.    


In front of mother’s room, standing with an imposing stance, the steward was fulfilling his duty as the gatekeeper, preventing anyone from entering inside. No, maybe, he might have stood on guard against me who stood dead still in the corridor.

I was told, You mustn’t move from that place, but to begin with, I didn’t have the energy and willpower to move and I staggered until my back rested on the wall.

Because if I didn’t do that, I would have collapsed immediately. It might have been better if I could have fainted directly.

My legs and hands were continuing to shake, my teeth clashed against each other and clattered, I was tormented by my anxiety and loneliness, as if I had been thrown out on a frozen field during a blizzard.

Each time I blinked, what I saw on the other side of this darkness that visited me, was the face of mother who had stopped breathing but was intensely staring at me.

Then, inside my ears, I heard the sound of her respiration. Huff, like a huge inspiration taken before screaming something.

Unconsciously, I strained my ears to listen carefully, wondering if she was about to tell me something.

But, that was all. Staying like this, swallowing down everything, she stopped living.


“… Why, how come…? Why, this, why…?”


I wondered how much time passed?

My father, who had apparently finished his work and come back, passed in front of me without stopping. Then, he entered inside mother’s room, and came out within a few minutes.

When he had entered, a dignified servant had opened the door for him, but when he exited, he vigorously swung open the door himself.

Then as soon as he saw me, he raised his right hand. He didn’t even ask for an explanation. He just hit me.

From the start, my standing wasn’t particularly firm so my already slanted body was easily thrown on the hard floor. But I didn’t feel any pain or emotions at all.

I tried to get up by prompting my body with my hands but my upper body couldn’t be lifted.

As if they had coagulated, my joints only made a grinding and unreliable sound. My vision was blurred, not because tears were overflowing, but probably because mother’s spur of blood was stuck to my eyelids.

I tried to touch and feel my face, but the sensation was different from usual. This strange sensation must have been the proof mother’s scattered blood had dried. Reflexively, my hands closed tightly in a fist and rubbed my cheek. 

It doesn’t come off, it doesn’t come off, I cannot remove it. 

Mother’s blood was clinging... onto my face.


You. What did you dowhat did you do to your mother?”


I thought I hadn’t heard this voice for quite a while. To the point I couldn’t remember when the last time was. That voice was accompanied by a nostalgic plaintiveness, a strange tone I heard for the first time.

Even though my father had hit his daughter hard, he nevertheless wasn’t enraged. Or maybe, he was concealing his wrath, but on his face at least, there wasn’t the slightest hint of emotion; you couldn’t surmise what he was currently feeling.

I began to feel an uncomfortable feeling on my cheek but I knew this person had held back. Although he had retired due to an injury, he was originally a person who amply demonstrated his ability to work as an imperial knight. If he had hit me with all his power, it surely would not have ended with only this.

Did he hold back because I was his daughter, or simply because I was a member of the opposite sex? I knew it was probably the latter. He wasn’t the kind of person to give me preferential treatment because I was his daughter. I had understood that a long, long time ago.


“Nothing, I… didn’t do… anything.”


I barely managed to squeeze out these words, but even I, couldn’t remember clearly what I did until now. I didn’t even know if I had truly done nothing.

If there was only one thing I was sure I had done, that would be having questioned mother.

I only asked what on earth she had mixed inside Silvia’s tea.

In the end, I didn’t even get her answer.


When she heard my question, I wondered what mother thought?

She only uttered a few words deprived of meaning. Although I kind of heard an excuse, it also felt like a confession of her crime.

Then, the conclusion of everything, became like that.


With a sharp pair of narrowed eyes, father looked at me as if trying to detect what emotions were inside me. Those eyes were…

Right. They were similar to Soleil’s eyes when he condemned me, at the time my little sister was killed.

I tried to open my mouth to explain, but the words wouldn’t come out. To begin with, I didn’t know from where I should explain.

I was confused and discomposed, it seemed impossible for me to pretend to be calm again.

Even though at this rate, I would be unable to prove my innocence.

Even though I understood I was in a dangerous position.

The words wouldn’t come to my mind.

The present was overlapping with the time Soleil turned his back away from me.

When my eyes unconsciously fell on the palms of my hands, I saw that my fingertips, which should have lost all sensation, were still shaking, just like that time.

The sole difference was that those fingers, those palms, those wrists, were dyed red. The liquid that had started to dry was entangled, binding my fingers together. As if it were the testimony of a sinner.

That’s why I remembered the day my arms were tied together and I was thrown into prison. 


“…My hands, please, let me wash them.”


When these words reflexively slipped off, the sharpness of father’s eyes, who was looking down on me, sitting on the ground, increased.

Once again, I had no other choice but to look as his fist swung down.

The me, who stayed unmoving, had probably given up at some point.


“Please wait, master!!”


Although someone spoke up, the voice was mixed with a frightened and panic tone.

I knew that voice had saved me. When I looked up, Merge was standing there with a completely pale face.

I wondered when she arrived here? Or did she arrive together with the steward when he rushed here?

Her figure stood before me, as if she had forced her way to stand between father and I. For a mere maid, to speak up without having been granted permission, was an act of disrespect. Moreover, in such an extraordinary situation, she should control her speech and conduct.

If it had been the steward, who had received such a degree of authority, he wouldn’t be held responsible for such a fault. But this steward was simply waiting in silence at the corner of the corridor. Precisely because he had the right to speak, he didn’t say anything. Because what was more important than anything was to respect the will of his master.


“…… What?”


Father lowered his raised hand and stared at Merge.

I was sure he would be enraged and push Merge aside, but he only coerced her with cold eyes.

If it had been a younger servant, with only this, they would have started trembling, but his opponent was a senior maid. Even if her face lost some color, she braced herself and her expression cleared up. She could deal with unexpected situations thanks to her abundant experience.

That’s why she had been in charge of my education. Even if now, she was attached to Silvia. 


“The young lady has... nothing to do with this.”


She spoke with a low voice that sounded like it was squeezed out from the depths of her throat, as if to suppress the trembling in her tone. 


“Nothing to do, you say?”


Releasing a freezing voice that was even lower, father argued back.

Was he suppressing his anger? But his voice was accompanied with a tone of instability, as if he was on the verge of discharging all his wrath.

When such a father took one step forward, Merge naturally shrunk down. With only that, it was easy to see how disadvantaged Merge and I were. Whatever the truth, if father, the earl, were to decide here and now that I was guilty, it would become the truth.

But, Merge once again, took one step forth. They confronted each other nose to nose.


“What did you see?”


When father’s low voice interrogated her, Merge answered frankly, “No, I have not seen anything.”

Having received such an answer, father, probably wanting to cross-examine her, took a deep breath which resounded loudly. He was probably about to scream in an angry voice.

However, not allowing him the occasion to do so, the senior maid loudly claimed with a strong spirit,


“The lady is not someone who would hurt others!”


To these unexpected words, my eyes opened wild. I was astonished there would be a person who would try to protect me, but it was also hard to believe it would be her.

In the many lives I have repeated until now, she wasn’t a person who could be said to have been deeply involved with me. It was true she had been by my side in my childhood as my educator, but it hadn’t been an intimate relationship.

Even in this life it was the same. She was no longer my maid, she was serving Silvia. She wasn’t a family member, she wasn’t even a friend, I would even hesitate to call her an acquaintance. That’s all our relationship amounted to.

And so, no matter how much she tried to protect me, I simply couldn’t feel relieved. Even if I believed her, I could easily imagine a future where I would be betrayed.

And yet… … The trembling of my fingers... slightly decreased.


“…… Master, if I might be allowed to make an impertinent remark…”

“What is it?”


The one who made a follow up after hearing Merge’s words was the steward who had silently watched the situation unfold until now.

Father also seemed to be willing to hear what he had to say.


“I think there might be a need to examine this situation under a broader… or should I say multifaceted perspective.”



In other words, he was saying it was premature to make a conclusion there.

However, the steward was certainly not trying to protect me. If he had wanted to do so, he would have surely spoken up earlier.

So, I understood he said those words for Merge’s sake. In a sense, you could say he was probably anxious about her who was opposing their master. If the steward was on her side, nothing bad would happen to her.


“The young lady seems to be greatly shaken, how about giving her a little bit of time?”


Hearing the words the steward added, father sank into silence.

Then, he closed his eyes, his brow furrowed. Looking closely, the sleeve of father’s coat was black and dirty. It was probably mother’s blood. 

I wonder if that person also hugged mother? I suddenly thought.

Did he grieve the departure of his beloved wife, or did he cry, straining his ears to listen to the heart that had nonetheless stopped beating?

I tried to imagine father’s reaction as I stared at his face, which appeared younger than he really was, but I failed. Aside from the fact he had slapped me, for a person who had just lost his wife, even now he seemed far too composed.

I thought so because I remembered well the reaction of Soleil when he heard Silvia had died in my first life.

At that time, he made an expression that said he had been cut apart from any possible touch of delight or joy. As if it had happened yesterday, I still clearly remembered how just before my eyes, his eyes had seemed to sink at the bottom of the abyss and were dyed in hatred.

That’s why I clearly saw the difference between father and Soleil. My father hadn’t fallen into despair yet.


At that moment, in the corridor that had become silent, the footsteps of several people as well as metallic sounds resounded.

When I turned toward it, father’s escort and Al were rushing toward us with faces that had changed colors. As I watched my escort whose face had paled, I naturally met his eyes.

He had yet to grasp the situation and with his eyes opened wide in shock, he seemed to want to say something. But in a second, his lips closed off.

I understood he had swallowed back his words. He couldn’t foolishly ask me what happened in this place where father was too.

“… Master.” Father’s escort quietly called out to him. I watched attentively as he whispered something into father’s ears. It’s probably an urgent matter. The complexion of father changed.

“I see, I understand,” he nodded, then he said something to the steward.

I didn’t know exactly what, but it seemed that something related to the work that was about to be finished happened. My escort had also probably been helping with father’s work these last few hours. It wasn’t necessarily a special occurrence, rather it should have been a situation no different than usual.


In these last few hours, every single thing had changed.

I could no longer return to my original place.


“… … You will return to your room.”


Eventually, father, who had to go back to work, announced this to me. Then he immediately turned around and walked away.

As I watched over his distancing silhouette, unable to answer, father looked over his shoulder and called, “Al.” My escort was still loitering in the corridor, looking at me.

“…Al!” Getting impatient, father summoned my escort with a strong tone. He was already far ahead.


“Go, Al.”

“My lady,”

“You have to go.”


“I am fine, so leave!”


After raising my tone, my unreliable voice shook as I added, please.

I bit on my trembling lips. I didn’t have any solemnity. But, staying in this place like this wouldn’t lead to a good result for him.

I didn’t know if Al had understood the situation, but he shouldn’t know about mother yet. Even if he heard that something happened in the estate, I didn’t think he was told the mistress of the house had severed her own life.

He only knew that I was here, smeared in blood. However, because we hadn’t called the doctor to examine me, he should have noticed I wasn’t hurt. Even if there were only a few people, not only Al, everyone would understand it was impossible they would leave alone the daughter of the earl if she was injured.

And so, he should have understood something strange had occurred. Al was staring at my face, hesitating for a short while. Then he attempted to say something several times.

So, in response to this, I shook my head repeatedly. What he wanted to say, I didn’t know how others would interpret it. It would probably not be a good thing for us. I was sure it would inevitably turn for the worse from all the experience I had accumulated so far.

When I once again told him “Go,” I didn’t know if he finally took my intention into consideration, but he turned away, looking as if he was trying to shake off something.  


I strongly clenched my hands, praying it wouldn’t be the last time I saw him.

Even though I knew my wishes never come true, I still couldn’t help but pray.




“My lady, let’s prepare a hot bath.”


Having to wait in my room until I got permission to leave was, in fact, the same as being under house arrest. The one who supported me on her shoulder and accompanied me back was Merge.

Still wearing the dress soaked in blood, I stared at my fingers whose shaking had lessened.  Mother’s blood had even gotten under my nails.

Before me, who remained petrified in front of the closed door, stood the senior maid. Somehow, there had been instructions to only leave her with me inside the room.


“…Merge, I am grateful to you, truly…”


Continuing to gaze at my fingers, when I called her with a voice still half-filled with amazement, I caught sight of her hands in my field of vision.

I raised my head when she suddenly clasped my hands in hers and called out,  




She called out to me with a tormented expression.

From the day we met, I wondered how many months and years had passed. Before I noticed, she had grown old and thin wrinkles were etched in her face.

But it didn’t reduce her charm. The laughing wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and mouth made it clear how pleasant these years had been for her. 


“I did not do anything worthily of such praise. I only said the truth.”


My fingers grasped with such force and firmness hurt. Sensations came back to those hands that had almost been paralyzed. My skin that had gone cold felt her comfortable warmth. 




When I looked up at her, who was a bit taller than me, the shadows of her eyelashes that felt on her cheek shivered. 


“I have a message... from the mistress.”


Merge paused there to inhale a deep breath and gulped down her saliva. Her exhaled breath made my bangs shake.


“… A message?”


The reason both of our voices sounded so secretive, was only because we understood by instinct that no one must hear this story. Her unusually serious atmosphere also encouraged it.

The maid of my little sister grasped my hand sullied by blood without hesitation.

Despite our connected hands, the two of us originally didn’t have such a close relationship. In this room where nothing was different from usual, only her and my existence differed.  


 “No, but first, we have to wash away the blood…”


I chased after Merge’s fingers, who abruptly separated our hands, and grasped her wrists. Because I felt everything would remain unsettled otherwise. Moreover, if I let that moment run away, there might not be another occasion to be alone together.

I was sure that outside the door, someone was already standing guard. She had come all the way up to this point, but if she were to leave the room once, I didn’t know if she would be able to come back.


“What were you told? From mother, what did she say?”



My bloodstained dress seemed to cling to my body. If someone else had been there, they would surely have found my queer appearance strange. But I didn’t have the spare time to keep up with appearances.

Merge averted her gaze from my face and whispered without strength, “I am sorry, I cannot help you.”

Although the faint sound of the rustling of clothes echoed in the silent room, her hoarse voice on the other hand sounded like it would disappear.

 I didn’t understand what she was apologizing for, and in the first place she hadn’t answered my questions. 


“If something were to happen to the madam, I was asked to hand this over.”


Suddenly, she loosened up her collar and slipped her finger inside it.

“Madam instructed me to not let anyone else know about it and to always hide the fact I was carrying it. She also said if the time to hand it over were to come, I would surely know to whom I should give it to…”

I wondered how long she had been carrying this, but from her chest she took out an envelope.

She surely hadn’t treated it roughly but it was a bit wrinkled.


“Now, I understand that I was supposed to hand it over to you, my lady.”


Merge declared this and put the envelope in my hands. The white paper terribly stood out against my hands sullied in red.

I didn’t understand mother’s intention of entrusting this letter to Merge. But she seemed to have foreseen such a day would come. No, rather, she might have prepared thoroughly, waiting for the day she would severe her own life.

“But I do not know its contents. I have naturally not seen what is written.”

I didn’t think the words she had declared were a lie. I didn’t trust her, but I knew she wasn’t that kind of person.

She was the capable maid mother had chosen, and for this reason Merge wouldn’t betray her.


“…… Is this her will?”


When I clenched it between my hands, it felt warmth. I knew it was Merge’s body temperature that had been transmitted to it.

But I also tried to find mother’s existence on it. … I ended up trying to… 


“I do not know” said Merge as she shook her head a little. “I was entrusted with this letter a long time ago… so I do not know what the intentions behind it were.”

But this letter she had received so long ago, she had always carried it with her, taking great care of it.

“I will make the preparations for the bath,” she declared as her back was facing me, and her shoulders slightly shook.



 Chapter 31                                                    Chapter 33

Nocta’s thoughts:

Look at Merge! That was surprising, right? And the father, I can’t say he is disappointing, it’s not like we had any hope for him from the beginning. He just keeps becoming more and more of a scum.


  1. *Open and shuts mouths several times not really knowing what to say.*

  2. The dad is on his best way to become the most hated character of all. And the only reason he isn't already is that we didn't see a hole lot from him until now. Yep he is scum. A real disappointment for all the readers of that love story, that's what happened of the hero. I'm wondering if the author is later on going to try to redeem him somehow.
    The cliffs are strong with this one. I'm pretty sure that the letter is going to explain what happened in the past and what connection Ilya's mother has to Silvia's. Both of the come from another country, so there has to be some sort of connection between them. Maybe it's also going to explain why the mother has always been so distant to her own daughter. Not that I'm ever going to forgive her. If she ever gets a second chance at life I hope she doesn't involve Ilya into her suicide although I have already lost any hope for that. Oh and Ilya really should learn to trust Merge a bit but how can she ever trust anybody again? I think that the only reason that she trusts Crow so much is that he shows an obvious interest in her, so he "wants something from her (entertainment?)"

    1. already don't like Silvia's mom... As for Ilya's mother... AH

  3. Cliff... I think Ilya's mother is subordinate of foreign country princess aka Silvia's mother. Thanks for the chapter.

  4. Came here for my weekly cliffhanger.

    1. Welcome welcome to one of cliff-sama's numerous land

  5. Wow.
    This author really like cliffs, huh.
    Wonder if they go rock-climbing as a hobby, aside from torturing us readers. Lol!
    Thank you for all your hard work, Translator-sama!

    1. Feels like they want to push us from the cliff with all these negative emotions

  6. Cliffs, cliffs everywhere~
    anyway thanks so much for your work.

    1. You'r welcome! I like to enjoy cliff with everyone

  7. Thank you for the chapter! Good luck on the next! Next two chapter are so rage inducing it breaks all meters. This is why I stand by my claim of shitty parents and none of the reasons they provide can justify how they treated Ilya.

    1. Aaaaaaaaah is there not one likeable character somewhere in this novel??!!! The mother is, the mother is!!!!! Aaaaaah I'm translating but I want to smash the text after reading it!!!!! rrraaaaaaaaahhhhh

    2. Something is seriously wrong with me! Why does this comment fill me with anticipation? I'm usually more of a sadist than a masochist....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Guh-! I- I feel reluctant to thank you due to the cliffhanger... why didn’t you just finish the both of these and then post them?!
    ...Thank you. Imma go now... and smash my head repeatedly on a wall. WHY DON’T I KNOW JAPANESE.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The father is so f*cking stupid.

  12. Hahaha the father accuses the daughter, but we all know that his evidence are based on the fact the he knows well how him and his wife as parents neglected their daughter and they that maybe it fed her hate. But of course her Ilya isn't like that, but how could he know since he never even had interest to know her daughter. This is what we call a devil under a lion cloth( don't if this is a real term XD) anyways someone that acts noble on the outside, but is full of ulterior motives. How can a father hold such bias around his daughters. One is doted with love and given everything and the other is ignore like a ghost and is forced to all the hard work for her family. Such person doesn't deserve having Ilya as daughter, she is too good for him and doesn't deserve to have a daughter that he can love (Sylia) since he can't even love a daughter(Ilya)who right in front him and the most beautiful and kind person in the world.

  13. Essa mulher não sabe falar, se fosse só dessa vez eu poderia dizer q foi o choque, mas é sempre! Ela não sabe falar!?

  14. Pq em todas essas vidas ela nunca avança, pq ela nunca para de dar valor para as coisas erradas?

  15. *takes deep breaths to force down all insults she knows*
    In all honesty, we all know father sees Illya as a permanent guest at best, so I don't expect him to show concern for a daughter who lost her mother just a moment ago. Like 0 expectation, -3573 even. But to think he even thought that she could commit matricide... Leave aside the thought that a gentle noble lady like herself couldn't even hurt a rabbit and all morality issues, the knife is still in the fu*king hands of the mother.
    Does he seriously believe that Illya is the source of all evil? That even her casual smile holds dark intentions? 'Cause if so he should've driven her to the countryside or sth from the start, or simply stage an accident; since if she was truly someone that rotten, the first person she'd kill would be you, my Earl.
    I simply can't believe it, it's like the world is a stage and she's destined to grab the "villainess" role. She simply walks with her sis, "she must be dragging her somewhere smh"; raises her voice slightly, " oooh what a fierce woman, no wonder blah blah"; mother dies, "weapon is right here but imma pretend I didn't see that"...
    Yes, indeed, especially that trashy 1st life. Ignore the fact that they're sisters, from sis's perspective it would be like this: " A gentle and beautiful soul transfers into the Academy where nobility goes halfway, meets a prince charming with a high social standing. They kiss kiss fall in love, but that man has a villainess as a fiance that constantly harrases the heroine due to jealousy. This hardship brings them even closer, punish pure evil fiance for harming white lotus like a girl..." Well, the "break off the engagement" part is omitted since at least this story has some logic.
    No matter how I look at it, it's a trashy storyline, but I don't really have any other explanation otherwise. Questions like "Who is Crow?", " Why is MC the only one?", "Is that sis really not a bit*h?" still remains tho lol.

  16. i don't know if this is plausible to believe, but i think the reason why Ilya's mother poisoned Silvia because Silvia's mother, which is Ilya's mother master, order her to do it. Since she is the most trusted maid of her, there's a line mention there that there will be a reason for Ilya and Silvia's Father not to meet the princess, she doesn't want him to meet her and cross the border, and thay reason will be Silvia. Being a fragile child that needs protection, they need to make her a weak child so the attention of him will only be focus on his daughter who's sick so he doesn't go anywhere.

    Well this is only my guess, i don't know if it's true.

    Sorry my English is bad

  17. I genuinely hate Ilya, hate out of concern. If she could just see things in different perspectives, all the life she live would probably not in vain. I couldn't really judge her cause i don't have the slightest idea about love yada yada. But I'm hoping she'll free herself.

  18. I thought about it to why ilya always reincarnate while crying in this chapter.....maybe why she always reincarnate is because her soul cannot find peace? like ghost?
