
Monday, August 27, 2018

Chapter 36

If this is the real end – 19


Feeling a pain that made me wonder if my chest hadn’t been torn open, I was unable to stand and remained crouched on the ground.

Apart from my sobbing, I couldn’t hear any other sound. Not even one. I didn’t even hear the sound of someone breathing or the rustling of clothes.


“… … Big sister?”


In this world devoid of sound, these muttered words especially stood out.

At first, I thought it was my imagination, but I certainly heard a lovely voice calling out once again “Sister.”

When I looked up, who knew since when she had been there, Silvia was standing in front of the open door.


“Big sister, what happened?”


Did she willfully open the door without waiting for permission, or did the maid feel a presence and open it to check the corridor?

Anyway, before I knew it, my little sister was here and was now about to enter the room.


“Silvia, do not come in. Return to your own room.”


Father ordered her with a strict expression that he probably had never shown to Silvia before.

I thought that Silvia would undoubtedly be frightened, but she didn’t. She simply looked at me with a titled head and a stupefied expression.

This girl, who had never been reprimanded by our parents and who, no matter what she did, would at most be offered candid advice, seemed like she never ever thought she could become the target of someone’s anger.

And so, ignoring father’s words, she entered the room without hesitation. Ignoring it like it was the most natural thing to do, she didn’t pay any mind to the words of the man who, despite being our father, was also the master of an earl house.

It’s something that would be impossible for a nobleman’s daughter, but it seemed it did not apply to Silvia.

“Silvia, you mustn’t,” Mother’s words also didn’t have any considerable effect.


Silvia didn’t pay them any heed and walked straight towards me.

She looked down on me who was basking in the faint light that came through the windows of this wide room. The sun had already set, so the light that came from outside was only the frail light from the moon and the stars.

Although today was such a terrible day, the night sky was cleared up and serene, completely cloudless.


“… … Don’t approach her.”


Father gave a command with a voice lower than earlier, but he wasn’t looking at Silvia, he was looking at me.

The one who was approaching was Silvia and yet, these words weren’t destined for her.


If you touch something beautiful and ephemeral, it’ll break.


So, was he saying that a person like me wasn’t allowed to approach her?

My throat made a strange noise several times, so I grasped it tightly with both hands, wondering what had happened. Then, I realized it was my weeping sounds.

I wanted to ask him why he said that, but the words wouldn’t come out. At that moment,




Silvia crouched down and looked up at father.

Because she was sitting in front of me, her untied silver hair was softly swaying in front of my eyes.


“Why can’t I come, father? Isn’t big sister crying?”

“Silvia, it’s fine, so get away. To begin with, why did you come here?”

“Today is the day of my medical examination. Did you forget? The doctor was examining me in my room, but Maurice came to call him. I thought you might be sick, but he said it was because of an injury so……”

“… I see, I understand. You came to see what happened.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“You are a nice child.”

“But, why?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why don’t you hurry and treat big sister? For a while now, the doctor has been waiting in the corridor.”


“Rather, shouldn’t she have been examined before me? Say, what happened? Father?”



Bending her knees, my little sister slid toward me and closed the distance between us, abruptly extending her hand.


“Don’t touch her!”

“Do not touch me…!”


Father and I exclaimed at almost the same time.

But as expected, Silvia didn’t show the slightest hesitation and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

I tried to twist my body but she restricted me with a strength I would never have thought her frail body possessed. It was a gentle but firm grip that didn’t permit me to resist.

I noticed the arm I had injured hadn’t any strength left in it.


“Why? Why mustn’t I? Father? Mother you too, why? Why are you not saying anything? See how big sister is crying. Moreover, she is hurt. There is a lot of blood. Why? Why are you leaving it like this? Why are you staying still?”


She kept repeating “Why, why?” like a child, with doubt and incomprehension mixed in her voice.


“You are even bleeding from your lips… Did someone … hit you? Say, Ilya. What on earth happened?”


Father and mother both wouldn’t answer. They simply looked at Silvia in silence while making difficult expressions.

Seeing them like this, she must have thought we wouldn’t make any progress. So this time, she peered at my face and questioned me instead.



“… Yes, what?”


When I called her name, her purple eyes narrowed and softened. There were bright eyes like those of a kitten. She might have made this expression to make me feel relieved.

But Silvia’s temperament was also like this to begin with. It may be that because she had been raised with love while being protected and treasured, in the same way, she could love, protect and cherish others too.

She would do it selflessly, without hoping for a reward. My little sister always reached out her hands without the slightest hesitation.

In my lives that repeated, that accumulated, Silvia had done that so many times. The first one had been the incident in the stables. You could say that this incident which only lasted a few seconds, was what decided my actions afterwards.

It was the day I decided I wanted to cherish my little sister. At that time… … when the horse’s hoof was closing on me, I remembered there was a maid beside me, and behind us there was also the chamberlain. They were standing much closer than Silvia, who was just passing by.

But, when I tripped and the frightened horse neighed and raised its hoof, at that moment, the only person who moved to save me had been Silvia.

If something had happened to me, both the maid and the chamberlain would have had to bear the responsibility. All the people serving a noble should have that resolution.

But even knowing this, at that moment, they couldn’t react at once, they couldn’t make the decision. … … The decision to save me.

If it had been someone who was more experienced to some extent, they might not have made the same decision. Since there was a possibility they would get dragged into it themselves, it wasn’t strange for them to try to avoid it. Even I understood this way of thinking wasn’t wrong.

The fact that Silvia had stepped forth before me without hesitation at that moment, was simply because she was very young and couldn’t correctly assess the situation.

Actually, we were saved by the stable boy who pulled on the bridle, Silvia hadn’t concretely saved me. Still, this child never stopped reaching out her hands to me.  


In one of my lives, when I was brought to a brothel, my little sister tried to track me down.

A few years had passed since I had eloped from the estate. During that time, Al told me she was always looking for me. Even after she became part of the marquis’ house, I think she kept her eyes opened for any clues with great devotion.

As I was already on the verge of death, I couldn’t make a normal judgement, but her gentleness felt like something unnecessary.

Sometimes, I remembered the kind hands of my little sister. When I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, my little sister was sitting at the bedside, knitting. When our eyes met, she smiled and whispered she had been worried because my fever was high.

Hearing her kind voice, she overlapped with mother’s figure. Even though she wasn’t a person who would speak in this tone, it felt like mother was sitting there.

Even though the person in question never came to see me, even at my very last moments.


The father and mother whom I shared blood with, always quickly gave up on me, forsook me.

Yet, my little sister, who was only a half-sibling, never abandoned me.  


Even after seeing my shabby appearance when I was reduced to being a prostitute, the only one who didn’t frown in unease and disapproval was my little sister.

It was Soleil who restrained that child who tried to reach out to me without hesitation.


“Silvia, Silvia, I… cherish you.”

“Yes, I know.”


I had explained to Crow that the fact she was my love rival wasn’t a reason to not cherish her.

Even now, this emotion hasn’t changed.


“But I... took the bottles containing the tea that’s precious to you.”

“… Is that so?”


My little sister hugged me in her arms, her hand stroking my back. She repeated the same gesture again and again, very gently.

 “Why?” she asked me and, in her voice, there wasn’t any blame. She was simply asking me a question.

At mother’s funeral, my little sister had said that I wasn’t the kind of person who would do that. She had screamed it while her whole body was shaking.

The only words that left her pale lips were words that said how much she believed in me. She seriously seemed to believe in my innocence.


“Ilya, stop.” The person who tried to prevent the sobbing me from confessing was mother.

Over Silvia’s shoulder, I saw her brush away the quilt and try to get up. I wondered if she was about to come here.

Lending a hand to mother, father ordered in a powerful tone, “Ilya, get away from Silvia.” He might have known I had brought out the tea from Silvia’s room.

In a daze, I silently stared at my parents’ figures as they were joining hands. Even now, I still didn’t fully understand what their relationship was, what was between them.

Until mother killed herself, I had no doubt they were two people tied up by love, an affectionate couple. And I dreamed of becoming like them.


“Big sister, why? Why did you take my things?”


Not paying any attention to our parents, Silvia asked me again.

Mother let out a silent exclamation.


“…. … Because, it’s unfair.”


What leaked out of my mouth were words even I, myself, completely didn’t expect to say.


“… I mean... why? Why... why… is it always you, Silvia? Why is it always only Silvia?”


Being loved by our parents, being chosen by Soleil, being able to grasp happiness. Why was it always only Silvia? Also…




Until the very end, the person who never abandoned me, was also my little sister.

Even I had resigned myself to this life and yet, my little sister always tried to rescue me with her pure and holly heart.

It’s true that she also betrayed me. I remembered well Silvia’s appearance, her face that had lost color, when she was pregnant with Soleil’s child.

But above anything else, my little sister kept extending her hands to me. No matter how many times life repeated and the same moment piled up, each time, she tried to extend her hand.

And then, I, no matter how many times I repeated my life, I lost that little sister.

“I’m glad I’m your little sister,” was a sentence said long, long ago. The person who had said it wasn’t the child standing in front of me now.


“Stop this immediately! Ilya!”


Mother, who raised her voice, grasped my arms. But Silvia talked back, “The one who needs to stop is you, mother!”

Mother faltered due to this fierce manner of speaking. It was surely the first time Silvia had opposed her.


“Isn’t my big sister crying…”


When I looked at her face, Silvia was also shedding tears.


“Why is nobody helping her… !!”


The gentle Silvia. My lovely little sister.

Yet, that child had stolen my most precious thing.

I wanted to love her. I wanted to.

I understood I should, I had to love that child. I mean, she was my one and only little sister.

If we could take each other’s hands, I was sure life would become wonderful.


As if tearing off her shaking fingers from me, mother quietly released my arms.


“… … Silvia, I intended to cherish you.”

“Big sister?”

“Always, I’ve always meant to do that.”

“What happened to you?”

“But, I can’t.”


I cupped the little face of Silvia in my hands. My right hand, wet in blood, dirtied her face with red.


“I… cannot... love you.”


I recalled the thoughts mother spat out at the moment of her death, her real thoughts.

When she told me she couldn’t love me even once, she spat out blood as if it was a great sin.


I thought of my mother who said she couldn’t love in front of the daughter she should have loved.


I thought of my mother who couldn’t hold out her hand in front of the daughter she should have embraced.

I was probably the same.


“I am sorry, Silvia… I’m sorry, I can’t... love you.”


My throat made a loud sobbing sound.


“I cannot… bring myself to love you…”


Looking at her in the eyes, at the moment I told her so, the depth of my throat became blocked by a clot of blood.

You tried to give me a deep affection, but also robbed everything away from me.

A drop of light floating in Silvia’s purple eyes turned into a tear and slid down on her cheek. Those beautiful eyes of hers always seemed to be swirling in sadness. Her slightly pursed lips shivered.

Reaching for my own hand still lingering on her cheek, she wrapped it up in her own small hand and whispered. With a voice so helpless it seemed it would melt in the air, she said,


“I know that.”


I have known that since a long time ago.



Chapter 35                                                            Chapter 37

Nocta’s thoughts:

I took note of your answers to my question: the letter, the ribbon, the knife, a scar, Merge’s role. It’ll be mentioned in the next few remaining chapters. 


  1. Ahh~
    So much things that I don’t understand...
    But it’s sad anyway.

  2. Wahhh......T-T Thank your for this chapter!

  3. do you guys think that Ilya will die in the end or will she perhaps have a good ending?

    1. Since this story is a tragedy, I'm expecting the worst TT^TT
      My mind is telling me: she will die, perhaps a nice death, but nevertheless she dies at the end.
      While my heart is shouting: noooooooooooooooo!!! Ilya!!! Live!!! be happy and please live!!! get together with Al and be happy in the end please!!!

    2. I'm shipping her with crow tho

  4. So Silvia knew? Makes me dislike her more, that she knew of Ilyas suffering yet acted so ignorant of it all.

    1. maybe the same shit is happening to Silvia

    2. Come on man, give her a break. There basicly nothing silvia can do. She know that she stole many thing from ilya, and she atone herself with loving her.

      The reason she act ignorant maybe because if she act all knowingly ilya will take her act of kindness as act of pity.

    3. It's also pretty hard to judge her cause we now that she has (clinical) depression and no way out of her situation. Just like the mother and Ilya herself she became good at faking a smile and fooled everybody around her that she is okay. I can understand your thought that she should have acted earlier but aside from that I can somehow understand her. I mean she is dammed to live a life of her own in solitude (at least she thinks so) without any perspective for marriage or intimacy so and Soleil probably appears to her as the white knight that saves her from her tragic destiny, which explains why she doesn't send him away like she should. I don't think that Ilya herself is that different from her either as I think that she clinches to Soleil not out of pure love but rather out of the believe that she is going to found her own happy family and therefore escape her current pitiful life. I think that that outlook combined with their first meeting and him always "acting" like a proper fiancee made her fall in love with him out of her won wish fulfillment.
      Isn't this way too much of an answer for such a short statement?

    4. I think she only meant she knows Ilya doesn't love her but not the circumstances to why. Similar to how Ilya knew her parents didn't love her but not why up till now.

  5. Finally we get confirmation that Silvia isn't as oblivious as Ilya made us all believe. We first found out that she had depression and was only faking her smile and now we know that she knew about Ilyas circumstances because how else could she know that the doting Ilya never could truly love her?
    I'm happy to see Silvia help her sister as she is an integral part for any possible success (in my opinion at least) but why didn't Ilya tell her and her father about the drug but just started talking about her jealousy? Is she still defending her mother? That woman deserves far worse than what the father would do to her!
    I hope we find out what Ilyas scar is going to mean for her life from now on. It is proof of an event a noble daughter shouldn't be involved in.

  6. "long time ago" huh, it quite ambiguous.

  7. I love seeing how everything was not as it seems. Though I never believe Silvia as innocent as Ilya portrays her to be, it was satisfying to see the proof.
    So did both sister sees Soleil as a way to escape from their miserable life?
    Now I wonder what Soleil's thinking about the whole situation. I think I've read somewhere that the current Soleil's was a bit different compared to her past lives?

  8. Illya is the big sister, born from a maid after they departed the capital because her father, a stupid knight, was caught playing baby-making with a princess. Silvia is the child born during that time and given to the knight.

    Why do I feel like the years are in a mess... It's really bugging me and the more the story move the more it's becoming interesting, really interesting =)

    “Or am I supposed to say, that I, am not your daughter, mother?”
    Or even yours Father...

    1. what bugging me about ilya is first daughter when the knight in love with princess. so ist it obvious he impregnate the (bitch) princess first?
      for translator, if my comment too improper feel free to delete this.

    2. @Fadia
      No that is wrong. The princess returned to her country after it was safe again or whatever and sent/ left her maid with him as she didn't want him to be with another woman or whatever. It's more likely that the maid is supposed to prevent him from going to the princesses country and elope with her. So after the maid fulfilled her duty and became pregnant the princess suddenly returns gets pregnant herself and bears the child only to return a while after Silvia was born again. Ilya thinks that Silvia is another "device" to keep him home. That would also explain the poisoning to keep her from being healthy enough that the father could go to the princesses country or so.

    3. @Fadia
      Don't worry, it's fine for me ^^
      And it's like Mommy explained, Ilya's mother was left behind with the knight, they lived together for some time, she became pregnant. Then the princess came back and became pregnant again. So Ilya was born first and a few months later Silvia came into this world.

  9. I will say it again. Silvia isn't pure and innocent.

  10. Honestly, even after this chapter I still can't like Silvia. Some people are starting feel compassion for her due to like her depression and isolation from society, but Illya has basically all of that plus the fact that nobody cares about her and everybody she wants love and approval from likes Silvia instead. Silvia acting the way she is right now doesn't do anything to lessen the pain Illya is going through, even though she has plenty of chances to help Illya. Also, people seem to forget how Silvia acts in school with Sol, and if Silvia isn't as ignorant as she seems in the past chapters, this means that Silvia knows that this hurts Illya. In general, I don't think I could ever like Silvia unless there's a huge revelation that makes Silvia not seem like the typical otome protag.

    1. I completely agree !! The only characters I like in this novel is Ilya, Al, and Crow … everyone else can go to hell >:(

  11. I hope she doesn't die and will have to repeat this once again. It's like not being able to save in a game and dying over and over again, lol.... She's finally put all the pieces together Q A Q Please let her continue >o<

  12. What happens next?? I really hate silvia for acting ignorant and claiming that she loves her sister when she never tried to help her in bridging the gap with her parents and also in each life she betrays Ilya

  13. u didnt know anything silvia and how someone can be pure and asshole at same time T.T

  14. Now I know that this all happen it's not Ilya or Silvia's fault. It's all because her selfish btch princess, the breakingheart maid and the fckin knight father. Ohmy poor child

  15. Actually, until this chapter, I don't hate Silvia. I can't find a reason to hate her. Oh, I wish this novel is yuri T^T

  16. The adults in this story let down these two girls so damn hard. Fuck romance, fuck everything, I wish they could leave this hell house with the yandere parents and live together on their own.

  17. NO BUT idk but i dont hate silvia , i had a gut she wasnt mean or some white lottus
    but lets see what happends

  18. I don't care I still hate Sylvia. In some of Ilyas past lives she was literally fucking her fiance. I don't care if she's self aware and know how Ilya is treated, just because she was fucking your man while simultaneously looking for clues to find you, it just does not cancel out. #teamfucksylvia

